Apr 10, 2006 16:02
It's hoooooooooooooooooooooooot. But I have cooled down now. All you longed haired people know that one must always have a hair tie for sweat explosion emergencies like this.
Jo and I are going to see the Soledad Brothers and you are not.
I came to school an hour early today because I can't read the new schedule. Meh.
Jo's friend and my new aquaintence, Josh came to our house last night after being VERY LATE. He brought a german guy from his university, Carlton. It was interesting, and quite fun. He was very tall. The very tall German was named Alex. We went for a pint or two than came home and chatted about only important things like "Project Sugarmama", and how Unicorns really became extinct.
I went to my bed because I thought they were coming out of Jo's room soon to make salty soybeans or something but I fell asleep sort of and when I woke they were running around the streets looking for a racoon.
So that was the most interesting Sunday I have had in quite sometime.
I miss Angela.
And my stupid "ticketmaster" guy has yet to call me. I will call him tomorrow.
Now to do something else.