Okay, I followed a link from
alicettlg's journal and was going to comment there, but it got long and vaguely wanky, so.
These nuts. While I am not belittling anyone's efforts in any way or telling anyone how their should spend their own money, all I can think is - those $13,000 could have done SO MUCH somewhere. That's what, six and a half grand? And that's at 8pm, with the total having risen over $600 in the last two hours. Using cost estimates from Oxfam, with that, you could have paid for-
safe water for 1,000 people built and equipped an entire Third World classroom funded a mango plantation for community farmers seeds and animals and tools for an entire village essential medicines for an entire community for five years and you'd still have over £1700 to spare for essential items such as mosquito nets, fishing nets, toilets, school dinners, healthworker training, radios, teacher training, emergency response kits, business startups, emergency shelters, care for orphans. And all of that? Is not 'buy one or the other'. That money could have paid for all of this.
That six and a half grand could have saved hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. It could have pulled thousands of people out of poverty, given hundreds of children a better, safer life. Given an education, health, a fucking place to live.
And these people spent it on nuts to save a tv show?
Jesus fuck people. Get your fucking priorities sorted out because right now I am not proud of you at all, I am fucking ashamed.