2015 fandom meme

Jan 15, 2016 15:02

Your main fandom of 2015: DC comics fo sho. Specifically those of the Batman flavor.

Your favorite film of 2015: Kingsman: The Secret Service. It was just so. SO. Goodness gracious, let me count the ways I loved that movie. TARON. MARK STRONG. THE CHURCH SCENE. Fuuuuucking Eggsy Unwin. So much goodness and I wish everyone I knew was as obsessed with it as I am.

Your favorite book of 2015: I didn't read a whole lot in the way of actual books this year, but I second doreyg on The Girl With all the Gifts by MR Carey. Super creepy and really well done and kept me on the edge of my seat.  The imagery was amazing and it was a super original zombie story, I thought.

Comics-wise, probably Hawkeye. I have so many feelings about that damn series that I STILL haven't read the last issue. I'm just not ready to let it go.

Your favorite album or song of 2015: I've been really lacking in the music part of my life, sadly, and everything I can think of is really embarassing :p I really enjoyed the latest FOB album though.

Your favorite TV show of 2015: Kingdom. Nick Jonas as an angsty, gay MMA fighter and Matt Lauria with DESTOYER tattooed on his back? Tell me exactly how I could not love that.

Your best new fandom discovery of 2015: Kingsman! I didn't expect for there to be much fic for it AND BOY HOWDY WAS I EVER WRONG. It's beautiful.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of 2015: I don't actually remember if this was 2015 or not, but the last thing that really disappointed me was Age of Ultron. Just no...to that entire film.

Your biggest squee moment of 2015: The issue of Grayson where Dick goes back and runs into Jason, Tim, Damian, and Babs. I think my face STILL hurts from grinning so hard.

Your most missed old fandom: Gotham. I mean, I'm so mad at what they did because I loved that show like AIR and Tuesday's were mine and Rachel's Gotham Day!! But you can't have Alfred smack a little girl and expect me to keep watching your show. Sorry no.

Your fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to? Star Wars, maybe.  I freaking LOVED that movie, but I didn't actually leave feeling all that fannish about it? But I've been thinking about reading some fic, so we'll see. Also I really need there to be a Girls Meets World fandom with Grown-ups so I can read 8 billionty polyfics about CoreyTopangaShawn. :D

Your biggest anticipation of the New Year: THE KINGSMAN SEQUEL. Okay that's 2017 BUT I'LL BE ANTICIPATING FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS. But no, I can't wait for the Deadpool movie and it's almost heeeeeeeere. And Civil War. Steve and Bucky will always be epic to me and that movie looks like one big love letter to them.


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