nsfw meme time

Oct 16, 2015 18:25

Name your pairing (pairings! I'm bored as heck!) and, if applicable, your verse, and I will tell you:

Who is louder?
Who is more experimental?
Who takes more risks?
Do they fuck or make love?
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
Who comes first?
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
Who is more submissive?
Who usually initiates ( Read more... )


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Tim & Roy -- I'm doing mallverse, as I'm sure you gathered. ;) oh_mcgee October 17 2015, 01:37:48 UTC
Who is louder? - Timmmmm definitely Tim. Lots and lots of moaning and swearing and he talks a lot, tells Roy where to touch and what to do and if he needs it harder or faster or if he wants him to go slow (like when they're rolling on E and everything feels amazing.

Roy can get loud too, but mostly it's just grunting and gasping (and lots of baby's ;) ) mixed in with little bits of dirty talk.

Sidenote: Tim only gets loud/vocal with people he really likes. ;)

Who is more experimental? - Ahahaha, that's hard to say, right? Cause they're both such turbo sluts? But I mean, Tim is the one who comes to work in corsettes and heels and lipstick, but when it comes down to it they're probably about samesies. But it doesn't matter because Roy would literally let Tim do anything he wanted to him.

Imagine that, though. Roy and Tim playing "have you ever?" and trying out something new and kinky every Friday or something. *__* (Real!verse Tim would probably make a checklist/excel sheet.)

Who takes more risks? - IIII don't know if I understand this one properly, but people probably judge Tim sometimes for being said turbo slut, but he's always safe about it.

Roy takes risks with his big dumb heart, falling for everything pretty little thing in a skirt. ;)

Do they fuck or make love? - MAKE LOVE THAT'S RIDICULOUS. THEY WOULD NEVER. Just because Tim fucks Roy one Sunday morning while it's raining (slow, deep thrusts because he's just tired, that's all), just because he spent like an hour kissing every freckle on Roy's body before he even got inside him it's still just FUCKING. Geeze.

Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? - Heh. I actually have a thing I've been meaning to write regarding um, Tim and his fabulous collection of sex toys and Roy walking in on him all, "Tim, you goddamn nympho, I said I'd be here in ten," and Tim's all *shrug* "I hate waiting."

So yeah, Tim. :P

Who comes first? - I think Roy usually, because y'know, Tim's the biggest cocktease to ever walk the earth. ;)

Who is better at oral and who prefers it? - Gosh I mean, you know Roy Harper's good at giving head. You just KNOW. Like, Tim loves to get fucked, but I bet half the time he'd be more than willing to just let Roy deep throat him and suck him off forEVER.

Who is more submissive? - Heh. Roy. So much Roy. All the Roy, all the time. Like -- not only sexually. But you can see it in their everyday relationship, how Roy just kind of does whatever he wants and Tim just sort of pushes him around. The argument could be made that Tim has that effect on EVERYONE, but it's Roy. Tim could handcuff Roy to the bed and leave him there while he puttered around in the kitchen mixig drinks and eating Twizzlers and Roy would LOVE IT. Sweet jesus, now I kinda want some actual D/s fic with them.


Who usually initiates things? - It depends on if you count the 8,000 times Roy has begged Tim to let him fuck him or when Tim actually decides he's tormented him enough and comes up to Roy and wraps his legs around him and tells him to take him to the bedroom. /bathroom /back of the car.

I feel like even if they were to do an ~exclusive thing, or finally admit that they're dumb boyfriends or whatever that Tim would still be like "Uh uh, work for it." :p

Who is more sensitive? -


I mean. That's probably not what this is asking.

Tim's nipples are super sensitive. Roy can get him to be like, orgasm loud just by sucking and licking on them a little, but not like pinching or anything. I don't think this Tim is really into the pain thing. Like, spanking probably. He could get into that. And I bet he likes to choke on dick, but nothing too hardcore. Probably he'd be a boss at inflicting it though. ;)

And Roy, Roy's hips are super, super sensitive. The little dippy part that Tim's constantly fixated on, and Roy's got ink all around there so Tim is constantly tracing it with his tongue and sucking on the skin, but Roy starts whining really loud and pulling at Tim's hair before he can get a good suction going enough to give him a hickey there. And it makes him so wet that Tim usually gets distracted with his dick then anyway.



Re: Tim & Roy -- I'm doing mallverse, as I'm sure you gathered. ;) likewinning October 17 2015, 02:49:15 UTC
(Real!verse Tim would probably make a checklist/excel sheet.)
HAHAHA HE TOTALLY FUCKING WOULD OMG. Now I kind of want cracky fic for that. :>

I actually have a thing I've been meaning to write regarding um, Tim and his fabulous collection of sex toys and Roy walking in on him all, "Tim, you goddamn nympho, I said I'd be here in ten," and Tim's all *shrug* "I hate waiting."

Sweet jesus, now I kinda want some actual D/s fic with them.
hn. i. would not be opposed to that. *_*


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