Nov 16, 2006 05:35
so i'm supposed to be writing a paper, but i took a cigarette break and now i don't want to get back to work.
maybe it's just something i do, but it always amazes me how much time i can waste "getting ready" to study or write a paper. haha. tonite, i definitely made some coffee, smoked a cigarette or two, downloaded a bunch of study-friendly jazz, went and found my incense burner and moved it to the living room, moved the space heater out here so i wouldnt freeze to death, and then farted around online forever. and then i started writing, and so, for the last four and a half hours of "work", i've got 700 words. and no title.
other than this giant paper, whose rough draft is due tomorrow, and the paper that is due wednesday, everything is going pretty well. i know i'm never on here anymore, but that doesnt mean i love yall any less <3.
lets throw a plus/minus list in here for kicks:
++++++ this semester is almost over! thank god. i'm so ready for christmas break. and lots of sleepytime.
- this semester is almost over. i kindof wish i had just a few more tests in a few of my classes so i could bring my grades up a little more. but..
+ most of my grades are good. i should end up with somewhere between a 3.0 and a 3.5 this semester.
- but i'm out of medicine and the insurance isn't covering it, so the next two weeks are gonna be hard while i wait for my mom to fedex me some medicine, and then wait for it to build back up in my system.
- and i've been a complete asshole lately, i think in part b/c i have no medicine, but also b/c i'm way stressed
- i'm way stressed. lots to do in the next three weeks.
+ but the boy understands, and is totally helpful. and bought me a bellybutton ring today while i was at practice because mine fell out and i lost it.
+ and things are going well with me and the roommate, way better than i thought they would go.
- but she still won't wash dishes. or take the trash out. like ever.
okay. i'm done. i've got class in five hours and 2300 words left to write. whoops. wish me luck <3