Oct 12, 2005 22:45
I love life the way it is right now. So many oppurtunities to better myself before life is to go at a million miles an hour. I am happy and focused. My only frustration is that I am not sure where I stand grade wise in my classes(I really need to pick it up on that. It just seems that I would do so much better a college where I wasn't around the convenince of my house and I went to school more then twice a week.) Other than that life is great because I choose to look at life in an optimistic way. I miss the aspect of my life were life consisted of hanging out with friends and doing things with them, but I am glad the way things are turning out because I am learning to be much more mature and prepared for the "real world." I miss a lot of my college amigos but I am glad to read that they are all doing well :-). I hope to study abroad next year or at least go on a mission trip. I am going to start taking Whey protein again because I decided not to do any of the other crazy shit that is out there. Hopefully by the time I start college I will be one sexy latino. Well that's about it. Bye :-).