Apr 01, 2007 16:06
Alas poor Yorick, I barely knew him, Horatio
For despite longstanding beliefs, infinite jest does not exist.
I can only imagine the excellent pain behind everyday's fancy.
I remember a fraction of a clown
Reminiscing in disgust, I abhor that he had a face beyond a smile.
How dare this comic sidenote turn his face down.
I'd imagine he lost his gibes, gambols and songs each day, as he died
Where did they go, I wonder. Likely drowned out and washed away.
Streamed down his face leaving me with only a skull.
And it took this for me to learn that makeup washes away, his mask comes off.
Of course I'm left with a skull... I only ever knew a skeleton.
And I'm still expecting a laugh.
Apologies to Billy Shakes