everyone has thier own opinions. the only thing you can do is be honest with yourself. i might find the opinion of a republican wrong, but that doesnt mean it is. that is why its called an opinion. the people who are, however, wrong are the people who change thier opinions to suit whom they are dating or otherwise. i dont agree with bush. i dont agree with his views or much of anything he stands for. i dont agree with people who say they "dont follow trends" because in the end they are always the ones who do. i dont agree with people who enjoy drama because its a waste of energy and effort and life is far to short to be wasted on such meaningless things. you need to figure out what you want from life and work towards that. yes, i can say that because i know what i want from life. i dont like talking about politics and religion. when you start bringing up religion and politics lines are drawn. thats why most people dont know my views on government or religion. most people i hang around arent over religious people anyways. most overly religious people are fake. they pretend to be some moral and upright person and in reality they are not. overly religious people are just like everyone else... they are just as weak as you are, they are just as powerful and powerless. they are no different. they have a mask to hide behind. they hide behind the things they have been raised with, in reality they are scared to make thier own choices for fear of what "someone" might think. god (if in existence) gave us free will. choice. if god is all forgiving, as you people preach him to be, then he will forgive me if i am wrong in the religion i choose to believe (or lack there of). he will forgive me for supporting gay marriage (if that is wrong). he will forgive me for any mistakes i might make along the way. he will forgive me for all the people i have hurt. he will forgive me for all the fucking sware words i use. he will forgive me making love to a boy before i was married. he will forgive me all of those mistakes and the ones i havent made yet. if jesus loves me he will forgive me as well. you religious people talk about gay being wrong. which proves ignorance the bible had alot of gay relations in it up until the church went through thier "purity" movement. that was when nuns stopped having sex and so did priest when you start taking away someones right to marry the person they love, be it man, women or mixture of both, when do we stop calling ourselves a free country? america was founded on people who came here to escape all the people who wanted to knock them down for having thier own religion and look at what all you people are doing now. knocking on people because they are gay, non-christian or otherwise. you have people killing other people because they are gay or have a different skin tone. the reasons this country where founded have been lost. do i think they should take "one nation under GOD" out the pledge? no, it has been that for a very long time and if you dont agree with it... well, last i checked you didnt have to say the pledge, your right to free speech and religion take care of that much. i know that i personally dont walk around everyday saying the pledge now that i am no longer in school. if you wish to... more power to you. i am of an open mind and i enjoy people who are of the same set. my honesty might offend, but in reality... i dont care. the only person who understands you is yourself. the only person who will be there for you in the end is yourself. when the chips are down and your fighting... you should fight for no one but yourself. you have friends, but they ( as much as you love them) as human. human means faults. i was reading this article about this man who will to his best to completely ruin your life if you get an abortion. for some reason it inspired me to make something. and i started in and i finished something i started a while back. the top of one reads "only you can understand yourself. make them hear the beat that touches your life and turn up the volume" the other is a picture from the actual article. its a women standing in front of the american flag holding a letter that this man sent her telling to quit her job because she got an abortion. i will post both of them as soon as i figure out my mothers scanner. i expect the hypocrite remarks. i fully welcome them. my intention with this was not to make anyone feel alienated. if you are in some way offended, upset or otherwise. suck it up. these are my opinions.
i am lucky. i am the luckiest person on the planet. i have people who love me... people who care about me... things i believe in... things that motivate me... i have my music, my art, my photography, my poetry, my happiness and other things of such utterly disgusting beauty i couldnt even begin to describe them. i am smart. i have reasons to wake up and reasons to sleep in. i have strong opinions that i stand true with no matter what or who dissagrees with them. feed me to the lions.
im told this is called "being ahead of your time". well, thank you.
(i felt this should go here as well and be public)