Challenge 28- Story Time

Jun 05, 2011 19:35

Title:  Fairytale Love
Rating:  G
Pairing: Santana/Brittany
Word Count: 564
A/N: I don't even know anymore. This an AU story that I blame Tangled for. 
Also, this is my first "fanfic" , I'm a horrible writer, and this is  JUST for a challenge.
I'll probably never look at this again tbh.
I own nothing.
  Once upon a time, in a deep ancient forest, there lived an old woman and her granddaughter. The child, with hair the color of night, was very lonely and longed to find her place in the world outside of the forest.

The old woman did not know what to do. She had tried giving the girl jewelry, made dresses, had even trained a squirrel as a pet for the youngster; but nothing seemed to make her happy.

Years passed and the little girl had transformed into a beautiful young woman. Nearing her 17th birthday, Santana wished to explore the mysteries outside of the protected shelter her grandmother had made for them. Her grandmother, who was in very poor health, knew there was not much time left for her in this plane of existence. She encouraged her granddaughter's adventurous side and wished her happiness wherever she went.

Though sad to leave her ailing grandmother, the call of adventure was too strong for Santana. The day of her birthday, she gathered a few of her belongings in a pack and left the cabin she had called home.

She had gone to the edge of the forest many times throughout the years, but had never step foot beyond. Taking a deep breathe, Santana took a tentative step. Then another. Until she found herself standing in an open field filled with sunflowers and butterflies.

Glancing back at the forest she had been raised in, Santana said a quick goodbye then turned back to her new destiny.

 Days, weeks, months seem to blend as the wayward adventurer traveled the roads that lead her to discovering new wonders, finding amazing villages and towns, and meeting new people. However, there was one person that stood out above all.

And Santana discovered a new feeling she had never felt before. True Love.

When Santana met Brittany, it was during a festival the village of Lima was throwing to celebrate the victorious return of it's star boar hunter- Quinn Fabray.

Brittany, with flowers in her flowing blonde locks and flashing blue eyes, ensnared Santana with her mesmerizing dance. She seemed to flow as easily as water, and seemed as carefree as a bird in the sky.

As if drawn by magic, Santana found her body gravitating towards this mystical creature. However, when she found herself face to face with the gorgeous dancer, she became tongue tied and awkward.

"Pretty..." Santana uttered with a dorky, dreamy, grin.

Brittany gave the dark skinned beauty a curious look.

"Are you okay?" Her question shakes Santana out of her stupor.

Santana draws herself up and covers a cough to hide her blush.

"I meant to say, you dance very well." She mentally nods to herself for the quick recovery.

Brittany grins, "You're cute, I like you."

Santana blushes again and looks down to her feet.
She stutters under her breathe.

"What? I couldn't understand you."

Santana takes a deep breathe.
"I said, I like you too."

Brittany let's out a squeal of happiness before wrapping her arms around Santana in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm Brittany by the way." She announces.


"So when are we getting married? And how many kids do you want? What will their names be? Can we get a dog? Can we get a dog and a duck?"

Santana's eyes grow wide as she swallows dryly.

And They lived happily, ever after.


brittany, fan fic, santana, challenge 28

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