Me and my best friend
boojaejongie are addicted to korean food. Srusly, it's one of the best foods I ever ate, and I only tried some dishes until now. But every weekend we must go to that restaurant to eat some new dish ^^;
And it really is a very hot type of food. There's a lot of pepper in almost all dishes, even in the soups! My friend can't take all that pepper but I don't care, even if I can't eat it all because my mouth and lips turn numb for ingesting so much of it. hahaha All for the sake of eating A LOT! She says it's not by chance that I like Changmin, because I eat as much as him rofl XD Well that's true, I can't deny, I love food and I'm in love with korean food as well. I wonder how does JaeJoongie's food tastes ^^ and how HOT it tastes, because even for the average korean food's taste, his food IS hot!
Oh, and also I debuted my new hairstyle this past weekend ^^ Now I wear short hair, VERY short hair mind me add. Yah, I needed to cut my hair because it looked flat and damaged. So I changed radically hahahaha
Here are some pics of us at the restaurant:
*these are the entries before the food is served... all spectacularly good!!*
*don't ask me the name of the dishes, idek. But OMG it tastes wonderful despite the pepper. See, that pasta's sauce is very red isn't it? Imagine how hot it tastes...*
*Fê S2 My booJae~*
*and finally me and my new hair xD How do you like it?*
I really can't wait for the next weekend when we're going to eat there again! XD