Talk to me, bbe~

Jul 06, 2013 22:23

Feel free to leave concrit, not-so-con-crit, messages, RP, or anything else here.

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anonymous October 16 2009, 23:18:27 UTC

adkjsaf sob why am I so...

um...Hello! How are you~


oh_espana October 17 2009, 06:45:59 UTC
A-ah crap! Sorry I'm so late responding, somehow I missed the notification, but there it is, sitting pretty in my inbox. /sob /holds Forgive me, darling!

And I'm really good! Tonight was an especially good night (yeah yeah, I say that almost every night, but tonight really was even better than usual!)'re so cuuute~ Lookit you, all shy and djfdjkkdhf I want to hold you forever. Maybe I should pick up the tummies thing and get to poking some bellies How are you too!?


anonymous October 17 2009, 07:38:42 UTC
Ahh, that's okay! /is held?! Um, late comments aren't a problem! I'm glad you had a good night!

Ahaha sdkfals I'm not cute! You are! Ahh, um, I think you're fine just the way you are! I'm not doing much, but my night is good too. I hope I'm not bothering you!

Random question, but do you speak Spanish?


oh_espana October 19 2009, 15:53:38 UTC
Oh my god I'm seriously the worst person ever. I saw I got a comment back and couldn't answer it right then and then...totally forgot. I AM SO SORRY IF YOU END UP SEEING THIS.

And...and comments are never a bother! I really really love getting them, even though I do crap like this and kfdjdlkjfdlks I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SAY HOW SORRY I AM FOR BEING SO LATE.

Haaa...I used to speak it when I was a kid...but it's been so long I'm pretty much too scared to say anything now. I can still understand when other people reply to me in Spanish but...I doubt I could remember enough on my own to reply back with any coherency.


anonymous October 19 2009, 21:35:23 UTC
Ahaha, don't worry about it really! I know you're probably busy a lot lately, so it's really okay!! I forget stuff too when I'm overwhelmed, so reply whenever you're free and willing to! Eheh /hughug

Really? I'm sure you're a lot better at it than you think! Maybe you just need some confidence, you might be surprised at what you've retained! I used to know some Italian and Spanish, but I've forgotten most of it by now. I'm sort of trying to relearn, but often end up mixing the two languages up.

Um um how have you been lately? I hope you're doing alright! Sorry I'm so boring, ah, I'd IM you again if only I weren't so shy askldfj sob I hope you have a good day though!!


oh_espana October 20 2009, 18:20:23 UTC
Th-thanks for being so cool. Yeah, things have gotten really busy lately, hopefully they'll settle down in the next week or two though and I'll be around more often. /cuddlecuddle

Ahaha, yeah maybe. Once I get some free time again I think I'll pick up a few books and try to pick it back up that way. So afraid of making mistakes I don't really want to even attempt it until I've got some more confidence, but that's sure to help! Good luck to you too, that's awesome! Trying to even learn one other language is tough enough, trying to relearn two at the same time? Man, you've got courage XDD

Aside from the too busy to see straight thing I suppose everything else has been alright. Just kind of stressed, but it'll pass soon enough. And...and I'm sorry I haven't been signed on enough to even give people the chance to IM lately! Don't be shy! I'm not anything to get shy over, just a big dork myself, ahaaaa~


anonymous October 21 2009, 06:46:26 UTC
Aww, just don't overwork yourself! I hope things do settle down real soon, you sound like you deserve a break. /snugglesnuggle

Haha, not courage, just... very unfocused.
Also, don't be afraid of mistakes! Mistakes are an important part of learning, of course! I wouldn't learn anything if I didn't have my Spanish and Italian-speaking friends to correct me all the time. Besides, there's a lot of similarities between the two, so it kind of makes it easier to understand one when you understand the other. Livemocha is also pretty neat for learning languages too! I'm using it and my original lessons at the same time. Oh and and I learned how to greet people in Italian today!

Aah, don't apologize! asfjkdfgs!! Even if you did have the time to get on, I'd probably still be nervous as Hell to talk and never IM anyway, so don't be sorry! I'm usually nervous to confront people in general... C-comments are good though, they're comfy for me... So don't worry about it at all, okay?

Hope your day is well~ ♥♥


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