"in the basement, thinking about the government"

Dec 22, 2006 18:11

i never post here anymore, mostly because i don't really care about politics, but i have two things i want to mention.

1) virgil goode, the republican congressman from virginia who went on a tirade against the newly elected muslim congressman for wanting to be sworn in on the koran, is an idiot and a bigot. i hope no one thinks that his views (expressed both in a statement he released and in an interview for fox news) reflect that of most conservatives because they don't.

2) please sign the online petition to pardon the two border patrol agents who were sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison for shooting a fleeing, illegal alien drug dealer in the buttocks. the dealer was given immunity and full medical assistance; the agents - who risked their lives on a daily basis to protect americans and serve the government - are being fucked over by the government and this administration. here is the link for the full story and the online petition.
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