Dec 07, 2007 02:06
Today is officially the last day of class. There are only finals to worry about (and work, but whatever). Brad and I are FREE. It feels good because we get to have days like tonight. TONIGHT IS MARGARITA NIGHT AT BRISSA'S APARTMENT. Foshoooooooooo.
He checked out Hostel from the FAC earlier and we watched it. I don't know what to say about it except for the fact that there was a lot of screaming and hiding involved. We were basically on the couch, prepared for the worst. He actually had his finger on the stop button for most of the movie. A lot of it was boobz, but there was also eye-vomit involved. It is now officially on our movie blacklist with, perhaps, Audition. NEVER GOING TO SEE IT AGAIN.
He wants to go check out Hostel 2 soon. Also, we have House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects lined up to watch. Yay for scary movies and eye-vomit!
Also, I promise to do a photoblog soon! I promise!