
Jun 06, 2005 17:48

Today was a school day. It was also Monday. Munday. haha. Anyways. Nothing really happened during school... all I know is I have like... 3projects due Friday and I haven't started any of them. WOW. Slacker.

After school Ashley B. Invited me to her pad to hizzle with her and Kara. and of course I concured. So... to capture moments I thought woudl be beautiful.. I went back to my house to get my camera, because stupid me forgot it because I was in a rush to leave this morning. Yeah... so we hung out at her house and had mac and cheese and then shortly after Kara had to leave, which was the biggest bummer ever!!!. After that, we finished watching the real people version of The Jungle Book. OMFG... I haven't seen that movie in soooooo long. I was thinking about it yesterday too. Then we just took a whole bunch of pictures of Ashley's hamster. the bastard bit me like 24 times! loserrr! it's still too cute.

okay bye.

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