My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Abraham Lobos.
What's yours?Powered by
Rum and Monkey.
My penis's new name is Albert Tatlock the Sugar Coated Love Sausage.
Take Name Your Penis by badasstronaut. today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
My insanely stupid emo name is stab my sanity because I want to believe in us.
Take The "If Your Name Was An Emo Song... Generator Thingy" today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
My God-damned hippie name is Peace Shamrock.
Take The Damned Hippie Name Generator today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
My Your patronus is: is Persian Cat.
Take Reveal Your Ridden Harry-Pottery Patronus today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
My White Rapper Who Thinks He Is Black is Skanky Ho.
Take The Silly White Guy Who Thinks He Is Actually A Black Gangsta' Rapper But Is Actually Trippin' Since He Is A White Fo'. today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
My porn star name is Vagina Vagina.
Take Porn Star Name Generator today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Name Generator Generator.
How Dumb Are You?A Rum and Monkey stupidity.How Dumb Are You?
Like, you're real dumb. Totally!
If you're lucky, your abject stupidity will become the stuff of legend. For decades to come, people will recall how you ran into a lamppost at your cousin's barbecue, or how you brought the world to the brink of nuclear war by peeing into Jiang Zemin's bidet.
Not that you know who Jiang Zemin is. Or what a bidet is. Fool.
I'm Jasmine!
Take What Disney Princess are You? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
Luxury, riches, and power? No, thank you!! Give you that ragamuffin Aladin and his pet monkey Abu, and you're set for life! You know how to put sleazy sultan advisors in their places, all while cruisin' the dunes on the magic carpet! Go get 'em, tiger!
You're a Recovering MySpace Addict!
Take Are you addicted to MySpace? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
You once went overboard on MySpace--updating your profile daily, sending out 30 messages a day, ignoring work and family obligations so you could read your friend's latest blog. But you stopped yourself before the addiction got out of hand. You're down to two (maybe three) log-ins a day. And you usually call your friends rather than message them now. So long as MySpace doesn't come up with any new features, you should be able to stay on the wagon. Congrats!
I'm "FUCK"!
Take What Curse Word Are You? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
You're big, you're bold, you're a badass motherfucker who knows exactly what to say when you want to say it. So, you're curse word is "fuck"!
Jason Voorhees
Take Which horror movie killer are you? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
you like killing....a lot. you go a little overboard every once in a while. you don't like screwing around, just kill the bastard. you like big weapons which may explain why you are gay.
you are, mr or mrs right now
Take how do you love? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
now don't jump to conclusions, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. so ok, you may be a little fickle, but at the end of the day, you can't help who you fall for. and boy do you fall!!! however frequently, while it lasts, its always the real thing to you. aint that sweet?
You're anakin skywalker!
Take The Jedi Test today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
you enjoy racing podracers, dating queens, and becoming evil.
You're Yolanda!
Take Which Pulp Fiction Character Are You? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
Yolanda is an unpredictable, red-haired small-time criminal (partnered with her lover) who has serious mood swings when it suits her. One moment she can be calm and peaceful, the next she can be shouting her head off at a bunch of unsuspectings. Either way, she always manages to carry a large presence.
I'm an Unconventional Conventionalist!!
Take Which Cast Member of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" Are YOU? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
You just basically rock...and you do the Time Warp very well...^^
Take Are you INSANE? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
I'm Ben and Jerry's Sweet Cream and Cookies!
Take Which Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Flavour Are You? today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
The typical boy/girl-next-door -- you are more than what's expected. Creamy with chunks of chocolate sandwich cookies, your delicious flavourings betray an otherwise-ordinary facade.