Really effing tired lately. I think it needs to be weekend now plzkthx.
Something that has bothered me today: I find it more condescending than polite when guys you work with but have never spoken to treat you differently because you're a girl, holding doors open or insisting on letting you out of the lift first. Particularly when you work in a mostly male workplace. Maybe it's a socially inept IT guy thing. Ugh.
And yeah, it's been a while, but look! A meme! Stolen from everyone on my flist. Yayes.
It's funny, because the first three are exactly what I'm doing at the moment at work anyway. Heh. And most of the others are somewhat acceptable *g*
1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten results
1. Website Designer
2. Desktop Publisher
3. Technical Writer
4. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator
5. Animator
6. Actor
7. Biomedical Engineer
8. Multimedia Developer
9. Electrical Engineer
10. Astronomer
11. Physicist
12. Chemical Engineer
13. Environmental Engineer
14. Anthropologist
15. Aerospace Engineer
16. Mechanical Engineer
17. Director of Photography
18. Geologist
19. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist
20. Costume Designer
21. Set Designer
22. Optometrist
23. Computer Animator
24. Comedian
25. Critic
26. Graphic Designer
27. Artist
28. Activist
29. Print Journalist
30. Writer
31. Composer
32. Musician
33. Medical Illustrator
34. Translator
35. Special Effects Technician
36. Interior Designer
37. Industrial Designer
38. Casting Director
39. Political Aide
40. Communications Specialist
In conclusion, went to Heartland with
spyndleshanks on the weekend and bought CDs for the first time in aaaages. I think it was worth it, though, if only for the
slashy Virgin Prunes album cover. And the Creatures. Yaye. *hugs stuff*
Also I am no longer allowed within 100 metres of JB HiFi.
Oh Doctor Who, why do you tempt me so? *flail*