Waaaaaaah. Dresden Dolls is sold out. Stupid Gaslight for not putting it on their site and not answering their phone all weekend so that, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I could get rather a little bit too enthused about seeing them.
And now I can't.
delirieuse... :(
Although... guess who's going to KMFDM!?! Yes, that's right! ME! I'm so excited about this... I mean, KMFDM! Eee!
Okay, I'm done for now... but don't doubt that you'll hear more, come Thursday night or Friday...
Also, I'd like to apologise to the heap of people who called me today or yesterday or recently, many of whom I never get to speak to, who I had to hang up on or cut short a conversation with, because my phone is teh suck, and Telstra is not coming to fix it until Wednesday. Blaah. If it continues like this, I might just have join the 21st century and, like, learn to use a mobile. *shudders*
Bah. Never happen.
Also, BitTorrent is the best thing Evar, except that it makes the Internet slow. Yep. The whole Internet.
Yep. Piracy. Arrr.
Also, if I don't write something in the next week, will somebody please slap me? Please?
*is so ridiculously unmotivated and laaaaaaaaazy*