Fandom party at
mesongles' last night. 'Twas much in the way of cool, with the reading and the slashing and the pr0n and the figurines and the watching of the important bit of PoA and the omgsomuchfun.
Also met
delirieuse, who is very cool, and who is giving me a free ticket to Wendy Rule tonight (What's that you say,
adonai_hure? La la la can't hear you la la la :P)
Yes, so, fun and stuff.
Also went shopping with the
_eas_ people on Saturday, to the city for the first time in, like, forever. Bought a book of Goethe's poetry (translated, 'cause of me not speaking German and all) and a copy of Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces, which has been on my list for the longest time, and which I fully intend to peruse just as soon as I've finished, like, the other fifty or so books that I own and that are also on my list, but somehow remain unread.
And still haven't finished Crime and Punishment, although I still maintain it is, like, the best book ever. Bah. I suck.
Also, found the absolute bestest ever shop in the world, which sells cool paper and leather bound books and old-fashioned inkwells and proper pens and stuff, and I could so spend my entire fortune (such as it is... *cough*) there, like, every day. *drool*
Have been feeling vaguely like shit since the shopping trip on Saturday. I blame the Haunted Bookshop, but it's probably something more along the lines of sleep deprivation. Bah. The former sounds far more interesting, if wanky.
Although things were much perked up by a telephone call from
ladysometimes, who, I'm glad to hear, seems to be enjoying her stay in England far better these days. And she's promised not to stay there forever!
And that was followed by a letter from
rosanegra, who sent me some very goth badges from M'era Luna, and a very goth postcard, and what I'm sure is a very goth letter, except that the ink all faded because it (somehow) got a little damp, and although I managed to read most of it, I will have to resort to far more extreme measures to read a couple of paragraphs. And it's the thought that counts, anyway... and those funky little badges... heh... :P
Ooh, maybe I can get some sleep or something before I go out tonight. Rock.