Book Review - Exposure

Sep 02, 2014 15:05



Another wonderful addition to the Virals series. I find I am loving how realistic the science is with how bizarrely supernatural the virals' powers are. So far they are still learning about what they can do but the biggest thing they had to face was Ben being seperated from them and him shutting himself off emotionally from the rest of the pack. That affects their ability to flare big time and leaves them all defenseless in many tense situations. But at the final battle Ben finally opens himself up to his pack and their powers start working again! I couldn't have been more pleased with that result!

I most certainly didn't expect Hawfield to be the killer. I guess it's true that most people don't even think for one second that it would be a cop. In the end, he was the reason nobody ever found the teenagers...and of course Lucy and Peter were in on it the whole time. I just wanted them to get stuck down in that cell after hearing that. Somebody that self-centered and ridiculous really should get a piece of kharma given to them!

Furthermore I really applaud the way Reichs sent Hawfield to his demise. It was so fitting that he fell into his own prison. Live by the sword, die by the sword. It's so true. I mean if you're gonna go out, might as well have a massive irony stamped across your forehead. Or whatever's left of his forehead. I don't even think I want to know what happened to his body after he fell that far down.

I was rooting for Ben and Tory the entire series and I'm so glad that SOMETHING has finally happened. Tory is finally realizing her feelings and she even kissed him! I was practically squeeing from the mountain top I love these two so much! It's such a shame they had to fight so much during this book. My heart bled to see them so angry at each other.

One thing that was extremely interesting to me was the zodiac reference. Even though the cards were diversions so Hawfield could divert the cops attention away from him, the whole idea of the lost zodiac signs is extremely intriguing. I mean, to think, that the majority of us have thought we were one sign when we could possibly be another. I'm totally gonna try and find whatever site I can that will help me solve the mystery of my new zodiac.

I enjoyed the introduction of the character Ella in this book. It's nice to see Tory being friends with an actual girl! It was about time! Plus, Ella is totally awesome. Sarcastic, athletic, rich, and pretty. She's got a lot going for her that's for sure! I'm realy glad Hawfield wasn't a COMPLETE whack-job otherwise she would have died down there. Instead he wanted to use her for leverage...really idiotic when you think about it from a criminal's point of view. If he'd shot both Ella and Tory he could've gotten away scotch-free. But you know, people be stupid!

The book ends on a total cliff-hanger which I am finding myself having all sorts of strange exciting thoughts about. Chance is a viral now, a different kind of viral and considering there were more than one pair of red eyes watching her that night he's probably not alone. Another pack, and quite possibly the only thing that is going to keep Chance and Tory from ripping out each other's throats...common ground! I for one cannot wait to see the result of them finally working together!

If you haven't already picked up the Virals series, SHAME ON YOU! Seriously this series is amazing and if you are an avid Bones lover you're going to love it I swear! Because remember, Kathy Reichs produces Bones ergo SAME awesomeness, just a different setting. Well, slightly different setting. Tory is a Brennan. Anyway, pick it up because I guarantee you'll get addicted!

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book review, exposure, brendan reichs, kathy reichs, virals series

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