I can validate passports now?

Jun 14, 2007 19:54

This is just not even close to the passport line up solution.
I love our government, do they think?

We should open up a passport signing station to illegal immigrants and charge money. $5 A signature, $10 if you're not very beleivable.

New Guarantor Policy
On October 1, 2007, Passport Canada will introduce a simpler guarantor policy, which will allow most Canadian adult passport holders to act as guarantors for first time applicants.

Under this new policy, to be a guarantor, a passport holder:

Must hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid or has been expired for no more than one year,
May be a family member,
May reside at the same address as the applicant,
Must have known the applicant for at least two years, and
Must be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older and must have been 16 years of age or older when they applied for their own passport.
By moving to a Canadian passport holder criterion for guarantor declarations, Passport Canada will be able to verify guarantor information from its own database, and will not have to rely on occupational directories.
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