who did this to you?

May 09, 2004 20:44

last night, a lot of fun was had.

I had the entire night, and the jeep to myself. I saw so many people that I haven't seen in a long time, even years. it was wonderful and fun. I met so many new awesome people. I rode in a convertible for the first time and it was neat. I braided a black guy's afro, and he looked like coolio. I met a guy named drew with a john deere hat, but in the condition that I was in, I kept thinking it said deer park. I almost killed patrick and I several times. I was told that I looked like mandy moore by numerous people, which struck me as odd. my pants are now ripped, christian offered me a sewing machine to fix them. I talked to my old best friend, which was nice, of course. we went to bed around 7am. and a nice morning with patrick, minus being woken up too early.

I do believe I had more fun than I would of had if I had gone to prom.
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