Apr 21, 2006 10:57
So, sorry if I seem bitchy and stressed out it's only cause I am really stressed.
Between, dance, school, my musical commitments, finding a job, looking at colleges,getting battle of the bands organized, my social life aaaand my play that goes up in the middle of May; I'm on the edge.
So not only are my nerves shot, I NEED to know things. I can't help but get irritated when people don't tell me things I really really need to know. (I'm going to address these issues personally with the particular people. So I don't want anyone to think I'm calling them out on livejournal. That's lame. I'm simply venting.)
But not knowing details for particular events or even when particular events are is really really bad. Especially since I don't drive yet and I need to bum rides and what not.
So please, if you know something I need to know, fucking call me so I know about it. I hate to be so dependent on other people and normally I'm more proactive about checking on details myself, but at this point in time, it's really hard.
thaaaaanks for listening.