(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 10:39

For those that don't know, (i say those like there are people reading this.. ha.) I recently quit/gotfired/gotlaidoff from my job at the auction. The job were i have worked at (except for a small "sabbatical" in April) since 2001. The company, Auction Broadcasting Company, was aware of my felonious past.. and they were fine with it. they understood that all teenagers do stupid things.. and occasionally some of them get caught doing those stupid things. Well, in May, ABC got bought out by the mighty ADESA Corp. ADESA decided.. "hey, let's do some background checks, and then fire every one with a failed check that isn't a manager" Fun times, let me tell you. On Thursday, August 25th, my boss tells me that i am going to get fired/laidoff. doesn't have a concrete date on when.. just that it's going to happen soon. thanks. thanks alot for the warning. Sooo, i start looking for another job. Mostly doing what i was doing.. which means that i am applying with Gieco and Progressive, and other companies that deal with the condition of a car, and it's previous life. Guess what i found out whilst searching for new employment. In Virginia, you cannot be employed by an insurance company if you have a felony. Awesome!! So i dropped by the local Acura dealership (Which happens to be the largest Acura dealership in the country) because they are hiring for service techs. I have no "real" experience being a mechanic, but i know my way around my own car, i can point at almost any part, and tell you what it does, and i am a quick learner. In the interveiw, the hiring manager seems optimistic, as does the service manager. He asks me about my experience, and i give him the previous statement (no formal knowledge, quick learner stuff). He says that they sometimes hire people like me, if they think the person wants to learn. Well, that's me. Long story short, they don't call back. Bitches. Find out later, they are really slow during the winter months, so wouldn't have been making much anyway. Search seems hopeless.. until the Wednesday before i am to get fired. I am yakking with the receptionist at work about my job search, and she points to one of the dealers in the lobby (whom i know by face, but not by name) and says "Steve is looking for some help." Next time Steve walks by, i say "Steve, i hear your looking for some help." He says "You're hired" and now i have a new job.

So, my new job seems to be working out. for now, i'm getting paid the same, eventually i will move to commission.. maybe.. depends on what i end up doing here. Right now, I'm doing office management stuff, and listing the dealerships cars on eBay. I don't have to be here until 10AM, which means i don't have to leave the house until 9:40.. which means i get to sleep in.. which means i get to stay up late.. my favorite thing. I get to drive nice cars here and there. Right now, I'm driving the Evolution around, today, i got to take an M3 to get washed.. i have an office and a couch. Who could ask for more?

I am very excited about the idea of it getting cold. I hate hot weather. It brings me down, man... seriously... i hate heat. but cold.. i love cold. And now that i'm not outside working in it, i love it even more. I get to wear pants. i like wearing pants. My favorite color is the radio.

Well, i just realized that i've been at work for 45 minutes and have done nothing but type this entry and check out sweet WRC pictures.
Like this one

and this one

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