Apr 02, 2006 16:37
Okay first things first. Ice age 2 is so not like the first.
It has some really funny/cute/giggly moments, but there is little story to it.
I really do love the possums tho...
Moving on....
I was watching reruns of project runway today.
OMFG how the heck did chloe win?
Santiono is way out her league.
for sure- thought i could have understood if daniel won, but her? BLAH.
I do not want to go to school tomorrow.
I hate school lately.
I havent been the happiest person lately, and all i get is "what's wrongs" and "you look tireds"..WTF
Caleb is coming home soon. thank god.
xxoo Hugs and highfives forever.
i know you may roll your eyes at this, but im so glad you exist.