Someone once asked me "do you have any goals?"
Then they asked "do you write down those goals?"
I felt like I had goals, but it was really just wishful thinking.
I was told that unless you write down your goals they will always be uncompleted.
On my fridge my goals read like this:
1. Eat a 2000 calorie diet 5 days a week
2. Workout 4 days a week.
If you are forced to read/look at your goals multiple times a day
they will be imbedded in your mind and are more likely to be carried out.
I really don't believe I need to lose weight, I am most likely
in the best shape of my life, but I want to see how good of shape
I can get and eating healthy is never a bad thing. I feel that being
in good shape and healthy gives me confidence, confidence in all
aspects of my life. It's a comfort level that I'm looking for, if I'm comfortable
with myself everything else comes easy, I hold myself back because
of lack of confidence. Not always lack of confidence in appearance, but
lack of confidence in personality, intelligence, and personal drive. I feel
that completing these two goals will give me the confidence to start the
chain reaction of positivity, it's already starting to show a nice change.
While at the gym I've been thinking to myself about a lot of different
things. I look at myself and where a am mentally now and
feel that I've grown up a lot since a year, no not even a year more like
six months ago. I've taken on a lot more responsiblity and have
experienced some things that have changed my way of thinking. I'm not
the same as I use to be and I think I've started to leave people behind.
I'm starting to realize what I want out of life, I'm starting to realize who I
want to surround myself with. Maybe it's not me who's leaving people
behind, maybe I'm the one that's being left behind. I really don't know,
but I do know times they are a changing and I was sad at first, but I
realize this is how it has to be and I will always be friends with those
people, but never again will I let the way they live their lives concern me.
I know the picture wouldn't have come out as good if you didn't take it kaci,
but you really need to be in this picture, you are the reason I listen to these guys.
While at the gym I was thinking about a girl and how over the past two
or three years off and on I had felt that she was the one for me. More
recently I have realized that she really isn't the one for me, I think I've
been looking for someone to replace her, but I've been going at it the
wrong way. I think I've been looking to replace her with someone that's
exactly like her, a clone. I use to think she is the girl I wanted to compare
all other girls to, but she isn't the mold I want for my new relationships.
Over the break she tried to get a hold of me, I didn't answer calls, I saw
her for a brief second over the break and I could have cared less, I talked
to her today and I could have cared less. I'll never forget what we went
through and the impact she left on me, but she isn't the one I want and
her dominance in my life is over.
Calm and collected