"Kitsutsuki to Ame" release date and poster

Sep 20, 2011 13:34

It's been confirmed that Oguri Shun's movie キツツキと雨 ("Kitsutsuki to Ame" / The Woodsman and the Rain) will be in theaters on February 11, 2012.

This is the movie poster for now:

出演:役所広司、小栗旬、高良健吾、臼田あさ美、古館寛治、嶋田久作、平田満、伊武雅刀、山﨑 努
主題歌:星野源「フィルム」(Speedstar Records / Victore Entertainment,Inc.)
2012年2月11日(土) 角川シネマ有楽町他 全国ロードショー

also found this one: (with Co-Star Yakusho Koji)

Name of his character is "Koichi", he's playing a rookie movie director who travels with his crew to a mountain village for filming. But the village people don't want to help them ...
... or something ^^' ... actually I'm not sure about the whole thing what's about XDD

if you know any more Japanese watch this page click for the news

and there is already an official page (although it's not working yet):

Obviously this film was shot in April this year (looking at his hair style) ^^

I'm excited again. It's gonna be awesome yay yahoo - as usual XDDD

* news : film, film : kitsutsuki to ame

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