Thanks to apartofmylife for translating this ^-^ I will see if she is willing to finish parts of the rest of the radio show.
The brackets are email questions from listeners.
I kinda feel bad for Shun. hehe seems he's getting a bit jealous cuz the listeners writing in seems to be only listening cuz Toma was there. Poor Shun...
S:Shun T:Toma email:[----------------]
S: Sheeeeetaaaaaa~~~~~ Ogri Shun’s all night Nippon
S: It’s 1 in the morning on October 3. I am Oguri Shun. Hello. Hello. I started with an famous line for opening tonight too.
This one is from radio name sendai no xxx. (i didn't understand after sendai no.)
[Sheeta~~~ is a line of Pazu from Castle in the sky. Castle in the sky is my favorite Ghibli movie so I really want Oguri-san
to shout it. Pazu is really really cool.]
S : Yes, it’s a legendary line. Sheeetaaaa~~~~ Pazuuuu~~~~~~~
All right, Ok, I received an email today too, so I will read it. Radio name Ram
[I have to go to school early tomorrow morning because we will have a school festival so let me go to bed. I will go to bed
S: What the hell is going on you guys! Opening and I-will-not-listen-tonight email are getting to be the same
segment. I-will-not-listen-tonight email for opening? Come on! I am working hard until the middle of the night. You work
hard too, Ram! Well, anyway Thank you very much. Ok, Ram, you go to bed but Ram, you will miss many things. Many
things are going to happen tonight. Anyway, the first show in October has started!, Ah, what’s that?
T : PAZU~~~~~~~~!!!!! Sheeta~~~~~~!!!!!
S : Shut up!!
T : Hi! Good evening. I’m Ikuta Toma.LOL
T :I’m here again. LOL
S :Hey..Ikuta Toma came here again.
T: Ikuta Toma came here again. What the hell am I doing. LOL
S: Everyone, I will introduce him again. He is Ikuta Toma.
T : Hello~~!!!
S Ok, Ikuta Toma-san, you were here on July 4th, which was your first time. 8 weeks after it… Your second time here was on
Aug. 29th. And 2 weeks after it…
T : 2 weeks after?
S :yeah, 2 weeks after. So I did alone for the following week, and you were here the following week of the week.
It was your third time. And then 3 weeks after it, on Oct. 3rd, you are here again!
T : Thank you very much!
S : How much times~~~! (Shun said a wrong japanese slang.)What the hell are you doing?
T : I don’t know.
S : You looked really a stuff while you were sitting out of the booth. Nobody takes care of you as Ikuta Toma. They look at
you totally as a radio personality just like me.
S : Hey, what are you doing?
T : I wasn’t going to join you today. Really.
S : I know. You were not going to join us today at all. It was yesterday you asked me,”I am going to be on yanpiisu at
Nippon broadcast and I will stay there until 11:30pm. Do you want to come?’ So I talked to you maybe I could see you
because I would be there too. After 1 hour and a half…..I wonder why….”
T : Ah,1 hour and a half. I had dinnerLOL I prepared myself for All night Nippon.
S&T: Hahahaha
T : It’s funny. I came here again.
S : It’s not like it’s funny. It’s not that level. It sure is a hijack plan.
T :Wahahahhahhahhahha.
S : You are hijacking, right?
T : NO, No, No. it’s not like that at all^^;
S : Are you sure? Sure? Sure? Before I am aware, 30 minuets in Oguri shun’s all night Nippon will become Ikuta Toma’s
something, won’t it? Won’t it?
T : hahahahahaha
S : In the meantime, your time will be longer and longer, and I will end up appear on Ikuta Toma’s all night Nippon for 30
minuets or so. Finally I found myself completely fade out.
T :Don’t have such negative aura.
S : all right, all right, I’m not negative.
S: Ok, I have received an email. Radio name Miiko. Thank you.
[Good evening. I watched merenge Toma was on last week. You
looked you were really having fun and Yukata was very good on you. I fell in love with you again.]
(Yukata= summer kimono. we also wear it as pajama, especially at japanese style hotel.)
T: Shun-kun watched it, right?
S: I did.
T: merenge.
S: All in all, Ikuta Toma when he were 13 years old are unbelievable.
T :Hahahahha
S: What were you, Chinchikurin!?
T : I was not good, right?
S : You were Chinchikurin!!!
T : I received an email as soon as shun-kun watched it.
S : I emailed you right after I watched it.
T : I emailed him back right away. I emailed him I can’t beat Oguri in GTO.
S&T : Hahahahaha
T : We call it a draw.
S : It’s a draw.
note: Chinchikurin means look funny, kind of. Hard to explain.
It literally means your cloths are too short that your legs and arms are exposed. Also it is a word to make fun of short people.
Jingle: Oguri Shun and Ikuta Toma’s all night Nippon~~ (I'm not sure if you call it Jingle in English too.)
S : What’s this jingle? What’s going on?
T : It’s the one we recorded last time I was your guest.
S : yeah, we recorded it…
S&T Oguri Shun and Ikuta Toma’s all night Nippon
S : YOU! Are you going to stay here until the end?
T :I don’t mean it. Really, I just stopped by to say hello!
S :I know. You mean you are here for the opening and a little talk, right? But now that we listened to the jingle, the listeners will not understand…. The listeners will not understand. Ogri shun will not understand either. Now you can’t go home tonight. Please stay with us for two hours tonight too!
T :Thank you!
S : Ma mamamama..It’s time for Oguri Shun’s free talk, but since we have already received emails, let’s read some together. Here is one from radio name Papiron.
[I set MD and was about to go to the bed, then I heard Ikuta Toma’s voice! It made me completely wake up. I study hard while listening to the radio.]
T :Oh, I am glad. She was going to sleep, right?
S :But isn’t it a little strange?. If I host alone, she set MD and she was going to sleep, but Ikuta Toma’s voice made her completely wake up. It’s apparently strange and papiron is 18 yeas old but papiron calls you Ikuta Toma without an honorific.
T :She was so excited and hurried over the email .
S :She was like, Oh~~~~Ikuta Toma~~~~~. Now I can’t sleep~~!
S&T hahahhaha
T :It’s nice. I’m glad.
S :It’s nice…well, wait a sec. What is your tension!? You are so relaxed!
T :Well, this is my forth time, right? Well, I’m getting feel like at home.
S :When you are on yanpiisu, your voice sounded, like, alive. You were like, I AM or something like that. (Toma was a guest of another radio show, yanpiisu, of the same radio station on the same day. Toma ate dinner after the show and prepared himself for Shun’s radio. Toma is so ready.)
T: Well, I haven’t talked much with Azuma-san. I haven’t seen him for a long time and he invited me as his guest for the first time. It’s very different for me to talk with him and Ogri Shun, who I just had dinner with yesterday.
S :Exactly. Haha we had dinner last night at 6:00pm. Only two of us..
T :Saying we are gonna go home early tonight.LOL
S :YOU…You are funny.
T :What am I doing here. I’d never have thought I would be here.
S :You are funny. You are just like my friends from my neighborhood.
T :We talked about it yesterday too, like, we are like we have known each other since old days.
S :I’d never have guessed…after we finished Hanazakari…. not so many days have passed since we finished it….I would never have guessed we would go out for dinner together.. like at 6:00 pm….like just two of us. Also I would have never guessed that you would be sitting here as my guest again….Anyway, here is another email. The radio name is scribble on the desk.
[Good evening, Shun-kun. I saw Toma-kun’s blog. He said he spilled curry on his hanazakari T-shirt Shun-kun made. Did you know it?]
S :I know. I do know it. yesterday, I actually saw the photo Toma took by himself on Toma’s cell phone!
T :Yeah, I showed it..I was like,’Shun-kun, see it’s curry.’
S :I was like, ‘It’s shit!’ You spilled shit on the T-shirt I gave you!?
T :Yeah.I spilled it…. At the job-well-done party, we were like, ‘Let’s wear the T-shirts! And we changed our cloths. But I didn’t have it with me then, so Shun-kun gave me one for the party saying like ‘hey, put on this’. And I was wearing it as a practice wear. I was hungry and I was thinking what I was gonna eat, maybe spaghetti..well ..maybe curry!! And I was eating curry…
S :You were gatteming curry..
T : when I was gatteming curry..
S&T: #$&%&%#’#%& hahahahahah (They are crazy)
S :If you see Toma’s official cell phone blog, you will understand what gattem is all about…Well it is a word Takahashi Mituomi who played Daikokuchou in Hanazakari said and it got popular to say. And we started to say gattem whatever we say. The word Gattem doesn’t have a positive meaning, so we better not to say it, but we used the word as a positive word in the drama. In the meantime, the word we made up is Ganbattem. (Gattem = God damn)
T&(S):I ganbattem another day (as usual.) (Ganbaru= work hard, Ganbaru+gattem=Ganbattem)
T :Because I was going to see you today. At the job-well-done party, you took off the T-shirt and left the cloths you were wearing, you know. I came here to give them to you.
S :Right! When you get right down to it.
T :when I get right down to it.
S :When Toma saw me yesterday, Toma was like, ‘Oh, I should have brought the cloths, if I knew I was going to see Shun,..the T-shirt and the vest.‘ I changed into the T-shirt I made, and I left the cloths I took off at the corner (of the party hall). And Toma took the cloth home to return them to Shun later.
T :Horiki folded them beautifully. (Horoki=Horikita Maki)
S :yeah, Horiki folded them beautifully
T :Then, you left your cloths as beautiful as she folded and went home.
S :Toma was like, ‘I am going to Nippon broadcast tomorrow and I’m going to be a guest of yanpiisue, so I will bring them.’. He brought them and he found himself sitting here, right? Hmmmm..very smooth.
T :And two microphones are on the table.
S :Sharp! You are sharp!
T :adyuusu. (I don’t understand what he said…)
S Ok, next email. Radio name Yu.
[Good evening, Shun-kun. Toma’s b-day is coming soon. Is Shun-kun going to give him a present?]
T :I want to hear it.
S :Ah….To be honest, Nope.
T :Hello! Hello!
[For your information, my best friend who is like Toma-kun for Shun-kun gave me a 60-color coupy set on my 23 year-old’s birthday for a joke.]
Coupy: (Coupy is kind of like crayon, kind of like color pencil. It is easier to draw than color pencils and difficult to draw than crayon. I had coupies when I was a little kid))
S :Am I gonna give you coupies? 60 color set.
T :LOL Coupy….It’s of no use…really…Honestly….I will be 23 years old in about 3 days.
S :23-years old. I was surprised when I watched merenge the other day. You are still 22, right?
T :Right.
S :So you are two years younger than I, right?
T :You feel I am as old as yours.
S :Um, I was watching it the other day and Hisamoto-san asked you,Ikuta Toma, how old are you now?. And you answered, I am 22 years old. I was like,’Ehhh! Toma! You are 22!? Ehhh!?’ I actually talked to TV!
S :Ehhhh,,you are the same age as I, RIGHT??? We are so natural together so I have thought we are classmates. I have been forgetting you are 2 years younger than I and now that I remember it , I would say, You are so cheeky!
S&T hahahahahahah
T :Maybe I am.
S :Totally. You are totally a cheeky boy….
T :You are 2 years older than I, but I don’t really feel the deference. I feel it less and less.
S :I don’t feel it either. We really enjoyed yesterday after all..
T :Yeah, We really enjoyed after so long.
S&T hahahahahaha
S :What’s this laugh?
T :What’s this laugh?
S&T hahahahahaha
S :Well…anyway, what are we going to talk about?
T :What are we going to talk about?
S :Honestly….can you bring up anything? Bring up something.
T about that? The DVD we showed at the job-well-done party.
S ; Oh, the DVD.
T :Did you received it?
S :I talked about it last week like we did this stuff at the party.
T :I see.
S :I received it today. I watched it in a car on the way.
T :Really.
S :Did you watch it?
T :I haven’t watched it yet.
S :You haven’t watched it yet?
T :Not yet.It was awesome.
S :It was a good success. Seriously.
T :Seriously.
S :Hey, this email. I will read the email we just received. Radio name Mizuki.
[Good evening, Shun-kun and Toma-kun. I was going to sleep tonight, but I am really glad that I didn’t. Toma-kun wrote about the job-well-done party of Rinokimi in his blog. I am dying to know about the other rinokimi that Shun-kun played Nakatsu and Toma-kun played Sano. Please tell me what the story is about?]
S :This radio name Mizuki is completely on Toma’s side.
T :No, it is not like that.
S :You see how negative I am. You see I am stupid. Well..anyway, when it comes to the content, hmmmmm….Anyway, it’s like,we take turns saying Nakatsu’s excellent lines and Sano’s excellent lines!
T :In the room 205
S :Right. In the room 205, when I was reading a book as usual, Nakatsu showed up and ask Sano,”Sano, What girl’s gestures make you fall in love? “And I said, ’nothing really.’
T :Nakatsu said,” I like girls’ defenseless face when they clean their ears with cotton swabs.”
S :Sano said, ‘you have so unusual tastes.’ Nakatsu ate the snack Sano was eating, and he noticed something, ‘Hm? This has alcohol in it!? Oh, I knew it , here he comes!!!!’ and when Sano came close to Nakats and was about to kiss him, Mizuki came in and tried to stop Sano, ’No! Don’t do that, two of you!’ Then we hit our heads each other. Mizuki went unconscious. When she woke up, Sano turned into Nakatsu and Nakatsu turned into Sano.
T :Stuff prepared cloths and wigs for us. Toma wore the white sweat suit that Sano usually wore and black long wig jus like Sano’s hair style. I wore light brown spiky wig just like Nakatsu’s hair style and rolled-up jeans like Tom Sawyer and a grean sweat jacket. Mizuki went like, ‘What? What’s going on?’
T: Mizuki was like ‘What? Nakatsu??’
S :Nakatsu said, ‘I’m the hot soccer boy who won the nickname young lion, Nakatsu Shuichi! Thank you Thank you!
Next Mizuki went, ‘What? Sano?’, and Sano said ‘ I couldn’t forgive my dad for doing nothing while my mom was dying. What the hell am I doing.’ Then scene changed, we played another scene Sano and Nakatsu were just two of them..
The scene is like, Nakatsu asked Sano,’ Mizuki didn’t come back fro the whole night. Something did happen, huh?’ Sano said,’ He went out of his way to come see me, but I couldn’t jump.I disappointed him.’
We were sooo into the characters. Sano put his hand on the door knob and said, ‘I …..dissa..pointed…him…’
T :It was really fun.
S :Sano left. Nakatsu I was playing turned around and saw Mizuki cleaning her ears with a cotton swab, and then Nakatsu fell into his fantasy and talked to himself. I did it this time.
T :It was awesome too.
S :It’s a guy, a guy, a guy,. so cute!
S&T : Ike Ike go go, ore gogo!
S : And when I was about to leave, Sano grabbed my hand and said, this is also an excellent line Sano said to Kitahama teacher, ‘we are not your brother.’ LOL It makes NO sense!
T :LOL It doesn’t make any sense at all, but it made everybody laugh their ass off rolling on the floor. Ka-boom!
S :Yes, it did.
T :The party hall shook and shook.
S :It shook and shook. We are not your brother..and ka-boom!
T :I felt sooo good. We shook hands like we did it!
S :Yes, like we did it!
S :After that, Toma said Sano’s line in ep01, ‘Even if takes your entire lifetime, you still wouldn’t understand my feeling. You, water flea.’ And I said,'Okay, let’s get it on! ' Mizuki try to calm us down and hit our heads, and we woke up her in unconscious, and then we are back to ourselves. We made the VTR for the job-well-done party. It was someting.
T :It was the best.
S :We three made such (great) thing, so stuff made the poster with the main boys ..uh..
T : The orange range song, Ikenai taiyo one…the poster.
S :Right, the poster for the opening which starts with Na na na na na~na na~~. They changed all the faces to stuff-san’s faces. The VTR we made start with it. The poster was really great. Some of them were really trying to look cool. Oyamada-san’s face really got me. LOL
T :Oyamada-san was funny.
S :He was trying so hard to make him look cool.
T :Yes, he was really trying to.
S :Toma, watch the DVD! Really!
T :I will, I will.
S :Oyamada-san joined us as the chief assistant director in the middle of the whole shooting. I think it was hard of him to join us when we already made some our moral and he is even the chief, but the Oyamada-san is really trying to be cool and he is in the Hanazakari no Kimitachi e Ikemen Paradise! Well, it’s can I say..He passed the stage, oh he is trying to be cool. LOL, and he got on my nerve.