Politico's cat killed; "Liberal" scrawled on body

Jan 25, 2012 09:47

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В городе Расселлвилль, штат Арканзас, был убит кот, принадлежавший семье руководителя избирательного штаба одного из местных политиков. Инцидент произошел в воскресенье, 22 января. Убитое животное обнаружил один из четверых детей руководителя предвыборной кампании демократа Кена Адена, Джейкоба Бурриса, сообщает CBS News. На голове мертвого кота была обнаружена травма. Также был поврежден глаз животного. На шерсти домашнего питомца Бурриса черным маркером было написано слово "Либерал" (Liberal). В блоге арканзасских демократов Blue Arkansas Blog сказано, что убийство кота носило политический характер.

Из партийного блога bluearkansasblog:

Last night, I got the most chilling phone call I have ever received. It was Jake Burris, Ken Aden’s campaign manager. Last night, Jake and his four kids had come back to their Russellville home. As they were getting out of the car, one of his children discovered their family cat dead on the front porch. One side of the animal’s head had been bashed in and an eyeball was hanging out of its socket. But there was something even more horrifying to be found on the corpse.

Written across the animal’s fur in black marker was the word “LIBERAL“.

This is terrorism. There’s no other word for it. A police report has been filed. Jake said the kids seem to be handling it okay. The one that discovered the cat was too young to be able to read and Jake had quickly gotten the others into the house before they saw it. Pope County is an insanely conservative area and the Aden campaign has been shaking things up even there and it looks like another right wing sociopath with a taste for violence has come crawling out of the woodwork in response.

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