Dec 09, 2006 06:56
After almost a week of the WoW 2.0 patch, I think I can safely pass judgement on it. For relations to PvE content, it's almost all for the better. Being without any of the mods we grew accustomed too for the first night back in MC for a test run of abilities made it slightly more exciting and interesting. Warrior agro management is freakishly good, and warlock aggro management is still freakishly bad. Even with Imp Drain Soul reducing all threat by 10% from my DOT's, I still pulled aggro once or twice without trying too. Once while trying to as a joke. The new macro system may seem like a burden, but all the stuff the gave us as conditionals is great. The /focus command in particular makes locks able to completely trivialize the Garr encounter. Set your choice as /focus, then have a Banish macro line of /cast [target=focus] Banish. Don't even need to change to it, you keep your dps target and rebanish, combine with timers and you'll have banish back up in under a second.
As for PvP...not so good. The honor revamp is nice, I like anyone being able to earn the harder rewards over time instead of needing to be a freak that sinks 3 months of thier life into the task. Fine, keep your titles, I don't give a crap. I'd actually rather see more mission based or job based titles, kinda like FFXI had. I'd gladly run around as Doctor Cryptorchild any day. On actual pvp though, it's a chaotic warzone of insane magnitude. Not only cause of the talent enhancements, but because for reasons beyond me the goddam T3 packing fuckers that form premades in AB are terrorizing everyone. I'd like to take a moment as ask, what in the FUCK does a guild full of T3 want with steamrolling honor? Inferior Grand Marshall/High Warlord rewards? More useless pvp mounts? I mean, come on now.
Now for the schpiel on the actual combat. Rogues didn't really get their changes, they got the first run of changes that aren't even in TBC beta anymore, so they got a shot at Mutilate or Cloak of Shadows. CloS is nice, and irritating, but without popping it and a bunch of other cooldowns, it means very little to my lock. If I see a rogue, they get CoEx instantly and I gain a ton of ground. Without CloS+Sprint, they won't be catching me anytime soon. 5 seconds end and I instant Howl and resume CoEx. Poor rogues. Priests got little in the way of kill power, but Disp priests are goddam monsters to kill. MONSTERS I tell you. Warrior's got no good pvp change, they actually seem to be a little nerfed. Mages are basically the same, any that go for the 41 point talents except Dragon's Breath are a joke. DB is annoying, like a mage Scattershot, but they are still cannon fodder for being fire spec. Druids, get my pity. That's all I'll say. Pallies don't seem much different, except I rape them even harder now with Unstable Affliction. Poor dumb bastards. And finally, locks and hunters.
Lock: Aff spec is fine, Dest spec is fine. Demo spec is fucking broken on anyone with good gear. I mean, like a train wreck with bodies flying everywhere broken. I had one T3 gnome lock sick thier Felguard on my lock and obviously popped the Black Book, because it proceeded to melt my face with 600 damage hits every second or two. Holy fuck that shit hurts. Dest locks are annoying with Nether Protection, but handleable. Same with UA locks and Imp HoT (like me.) Now, hunters have the exact same syndrome. BM spec is fine, and survival spec I assume is fine, because I've only seen one person I knew was using it by Wyvern Stinging me. However, marks is mental. I wonder if the dev team was smoking a big fat bowl and said "Hey, what can we do to make hunters even stronger? I know, ranged silence for 8 seconds!" They've since lowered the silence to 3 seconds and brought it's cooldown lower so they use it even more, but whatever. Seeing a combat log like this is infuriating on a whole new level:
Newbcannon's Silence Shot crits Cryptorchild for 806 damage.
Newbcannon's Multishot crits Cryptorchild for 1210 damage.
Newbcannon's Multishot hits Ghaafun for 622 damage.
Newbcannon's Auto Shot crits Cryptorchild for 1043 damage.
At that point I finally get off the silence effect to Death Coil the fucker and bum rush him with CoEx up to stop the ranged assrape I'm receiving. Mind you, I'm already at 3059 damage taken from this fucker leaving me with less than 2k health left. Once he pops out of Death Coil and I've gotten Corruption and CoEx on him he scattershots me for another 700 damage. (Probably a crit, I don't remember how it was so strong) Okay, 1200 health left, he's at about 1/2 HP now and during my confusion from scatter he makes range and multishots me again, finishing the job. And that was a fight where I stood a chance. Earlier in the night a hunter was raping everyone so hard with it my guild premade nearly afk'ed out of WSG. He had 32 KB's, 0 deaths, and 59 HK's. Next up was me with 12 KB, 9 deaths, and 26 HK's. That's a bigass gap.
I'm done with my rant. I imagine things will normalize come TBC, but until pvp is a chaotic zone of plague for which this is no cure.