Mar 19, 2009 20:28
"Good and Evil do not exist, only power and those too afraid to use it." - Lord Voldemort
I have spent time learning the ways of man. What I've discovered is man is a fool. Not for being unintelligent, but for being too smart for his own good. For several millennia, we have fought the struggle for good to rule over evil. Completely abstract ideas with no basis or place in the world we live in. We have done this in the name of God without realizing that God embodies both these ideals. In that creation and destruction are companions in the universe. What we have refused to recognize is the same force that has created billions of unique individuals detonated atoms creating stars and planets. This force we call Chaos is abundant everywhere. While we have associated Chaos with disorder and violence, let us not forget that a field of wildflowers has no discernable pattern and is not destructive. Even the atoms that make up our existence move in a chaotic manner.
Order is the true enemy of life. Conforming to what is good and right is the only sure way to bring about our end. Every attempt to bring order to this world has been met with the most destructive forces Chaos can offer and throughout history Chaos always wins. Even win appears to be order. The most orderly government and constitution have all been brought to their knees by opposing Chaotic forces. We should embrace the Chaos that is inherent in each of us. Throw away our watches, burn our calendars and other ordered institutions. Although, these actions serve only to have us conform to a new order in the guise of Chaos. Which brings us back to the point, that man is a fool destined to be the enemy of the gods they worship.