Okay, so I obviously got this idea from
but I had honestly been meaning to post something similar myself for ages now.
Since I don't think five is quite enough, here's the extended cut:
1- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
I know what a sycophantic, Miyamoto fanboy this makes me,
but in this case, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!
The graphics are unarguably dated,
but the game itself is an absolute monument to the art of game making.
They've tried to recapture the magic of this game several times since 1998,
but they've come up short every time.
2- Final Fantasy VII (PS1, PS3 if Satan isn't in control of things)
Feeling some arbitrary compulsion to include only one game from a series,
choosing a "favorite" FF is like picking a favorite child.
Despite my eternal love of FFIV (ie FFII in America),
I have to ultimately choose this one for three reasons:
a- it contained what I consider to be the best video game story ever told,
coincidentally being the first game to ever really make me cry.
b- the spells and summons in the game inspired me into my current career.
c- the game is just simply amazing. the level of polish is undeniable.
if all the hints of this game getting reborn on PS3 are BS,
someone *seriously* needs to die.
3- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
I'm beginning to feel like this list is looking like any given magazine's "best of,"
but some games truly do deserve constant praise, and this is surely one of them.
Many (myself included) were skeptical of this Metroid-ian approach to CV,
but the nail was hit so hard on the head that I continue to play this game
about once a year.
The size of the castle, ridiculous number of items and powerups, varied and imaginative bestiary,
and spot-on play control combine for an unparalleled 2D adventure.
It should also be noted that this game is the only reason Super Metroid
isn't in this spot instead.
4- Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
How could I leave out everyone's favorite degos?
While many would choose the more colorful SM World,
or the undeniably ground-breaking Mario 64 (that would be MY dorm life staple ;-),
I don't think this will ever fall out of favor as my favorite Mario game.
The amount and variety of the levels was totally unprecedented back then,
and the powerups remain my favorite in the series' long history
(I mean... turning into a frikkin' HAMMER BRO?! why the fuck has that not made a return?!)
As if that weren't enough... you can KILL THE SUN in this game!
5- Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)
This last choice was damned difficult.
The original RE on PSX rocked my world back in the day,
and indubitably rewrote how "scary" a game can be.
But the trophy goes to the fourth game,
with its near 100% overhaul of the original, sluggish engine.
Fast moving enemies and easier aiming made this a *much* more intense,
action-packed adventure than any of its' forebears.
Couple that with beautiful locations, engaging characters,
and some of the best replay value *ever* in a game,
and the result is nothing short of mind-blowing.
RE5 has a *very* high bar to pass...
6- Mega Man 2 (NES)
Yet another case of "which game to represent a generally awesome series,"
I chose MM2 as it's the game that truly cemented me as a Mega Fan.
The already inventive mechanics of the original were brought back and enhanced,
and the selection of enemy robots was great,
as it was before they started reaching for bizarro ideas like "Dust Man" and "Speed Man"
(those two actually sound more like drug dealers than evil robots).
I'd definitely say they overstayed their welcome with this series,
but MM2 will always be classic to me.
7- Ultima 7: The Black Gate (PC)
I wouldn't hesitate for even a moment in calling this my favorite PC game of all time.
This amazing game with a giant and mind-numbingly interactive world
has shaped the face of PC RPGs more than some of you may realize.
It was so ahead of its time at release that almost nobody had a computer that would run it.
I guess I was lucky, as I was treated to a near perfect fantasy adventure
which hasn't been dethroned as "favorite PC game" for over 15 years.
RIP, Origin... and RIP Offline RPGs on PC :-(
8- Super Metroid (SNES)
Okay... Samus might be a bit pissed that I preferred Alucard's greatest adventure to hers,
but she shouldn't be, as Super Metroid is another captivating, highly polished quest
with some of the best atmosphere to ever grace a video game, especially at that time.
While CV:SotN may ultimately be a better game, it achieved its greatness on the shoulders
of this classic predecessor. No adventure game before this featured such a huge map,
with so many hidden items and means of crossing various obstacles.
This game is a total masterpiece,
and I'll never understand why the Japanese don't feel the same.
9- Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (Arcade)
Who would argue the importance of this most influential of fighting games?
While picking a "flavor" of SFII was kind of tough,
I have to go with CE because it granted my wish of being able to play as Vega.
I played Vega so much I could reliably beat the game on one credit with him every time.
It's also worth noting that this is the first (and only)
arcade game I've ever actively anticipated.
10- Wizards and Warriors (NES)
This game, along with Rygar and Mega Man 1,
has the fine distinction of being a game that I played and beat MANY times over,
yet never actually owned. I rented and borrowed these games multiple times.
I don't quite know why I never bought them (it would've been cheaper),
but they managed to keep bringing me back for more nonetheless.
I give the trophy to W&W because I liked it just a *tiny* bit better than the other two.