What, I dont have any original things to say? You assume it is someone else that has something poignant to say? That exact quote is attibuted to someone...I have it at home. Warranted or not, optimism abound.
I have heard incredibly poetic things from you, but I've heard/read that one before from someone else. You and your assumptions about my supposed assumptions! Anyway. Max Erhmann, Desiderata. Thank you, google.
ANYWAY, the point is, (to Bobby), that I know the feeling (you described in the first few lines) intensely and intimately. Just dont give into it...live each day and all I'm saying is that one day you'll be surprised at what appears...something that you might not be prepared for this exact moment. something you might not appreciate now, or youd fuck up right now...who knows. Maybe something needs to move to you a different place mentally/emotionally/whatever first. Live, be happy, know something probably better than you expected is ahead.
That exact quote is attibuted to someone...I have it at home.
Warranted or not, optimism abound.
Anyway. Max Erhmann, Desiderata. Thank you, google.
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