May 16, 2007 00:50
the sky fascinates me with clouds of purple smoke. fires and smog aren't so bad after all.
[insert photo of burning sky here]
i have to derail myself from my identities course paper right now. i usually can't type a paper if i don't think about other things.
i haven't touched my planner or my journal in days...weeks..i vowed to write in it everyday because thoughts become forgotten. important revelations and epiphanies are lost to me now.dammit! every day is a new idea.
i find myself playing monopoly on my phone and trying to beat the computer. lame, so lame. where are all my friends? and whatever happened to playing board games?! i can't wait for that drunken chess game, pol. IISSS OOONNNN!
if your parents were from japan and they moved to brazil and you were born and raised there, would you be japanese? or would that make you brazilian? but if u visit japan again, would you be fully identify with the japanese? because you totally don't fit into their culture because you grew up in brazil. so what does it make u? a nihonjin in brazil and a brasiliero in japan. so what does your identity base on?
back to my paper, i guess..