Apr 03, 2006 21:14
You are now in chat room “chat23238936912904873962.”
Jim0000000002 has entered the chat room.
Jim0000000002: buddy chats
Jim0000000002: CLASSICS REWIND
Jim0000000002: gay sausage party
tha Junglist: tryin to get her to join
VS 31487 has entered the chat room.
VS 31487: aww man wheres dannie?
tha Junglist: SASSAFRASS
Jim0000000002: hhhahahaha
VS 31487: i sent his wach back!
Jim0000000002: VS
Jim0000000002: AHHAHAHA
VS 31487: watch
tha Junglist: wait, you haven't heard?
VS 31487: what
Jim0000000002: LAGUNA BEACH
Jim0000000002: OMG
VS 31487: heard what
Jim0000000002: LAGUNA BEACH
tha Junglist: jim, Jess didn't hear about Dan
VS 31487: jim its more like THE OC!
VS 31487: what about his parents getting divorceD?
Jim0000000002: hahahahah
Jim0000000002: mischa barton
tha Junglist: well, what happened after that
VS 31487: no what?
tha Junglist: oh jeez, I hate to have to tell you, I thought you knew already
VS 31487: tell me
tha Junglist: I'll tell the whole story, so you don't just freak out in the beginning
VS 31487: okies im all ears while i read my "college reading"
VS 31487: hahah
tha Junglist: after his parents got divorced, dan got really depressed and started drinking
VS 31487: omg
VS 31487: okie sorry
VS 31487: go on
Jim0000000002: okie
tha Junglist: yeah, he got busted for a DUI while he was at work, going from one office to the other
Jim0000000002: dukie
VS 31487: yeah
tha Junglist: so he got fired
tha Junglist: from that sweet job he had
tha Junglist: and he couldn't pay for his rent anymore, and his mom couldn't help him because she doesn't have any money, and he was too proud to ask his dad for money because he hates him
tha Junglist: I'm only telling you this because I know you care about him, and I think you should know
Jim0000000002: and then?
tha Junglist: so he was living with a drug dealer friend for a while
VS 31487: okie keep going i have a story after...
tha Junglist: and he started doing all sorts of nasty shit with him, Quaaludes, Oxycontins, cocaine
tha Junglist: he was really fucked up for a while
Jim0000000002: heroin
tha Junglist: but then he started doing speedballs, coke and heroin together
VS 31487: okie wait
Jim0000000002: crazy shit
VS 31487: what did this all happen
VS 31487: like lat year sept?
Jim0000000002: like those victoria's secret models do
Jim0000000002: like Tyra Banks, she does all that stuff
tha Junglist: very recently
tha Junglist: like, within the last 3 months
VS 31487: mmm so how is he know
VS 31487: now*
tha Junglist: uh, he died jess
VS 31487: when
tha Junglist: 4 weeks ago
VS 31487: he couldnt have
Jim0000000002: pat
VS 31487: i just talked to him
Jim0000000002: you shouldn't have told her, man
VS 31487: guys top
VS 31487: stop
tha Junglist: overdose
Jim0000000002: i can't believe she wasn't invited to the funeral
VS 31487: are u guys fn serious
tha Junglist: I'm sorry, jess
tha Junglist: are you ok?
VS 31487: i know ur lying
tha Junglist: I wish I was
tha Junglist: but why would I lie about something this horrible
Jim0000000002: yeah
Jim0000000002: i didn't want pat to tell
VS 31487: no ur lying
tha Junglist: Jim, she was gonna find out sooner or later
VS 31487: honestly guys i have an anxiety issue can u please tlel me the truth
tha Junglist: better from his friends than from some news article
tha Junglist: Jim?
tha Junglist: ok
tha Junglist: it's not real
tha Junglist: hahahahha yay!!!
VS 31487: was he really doing drugs
tha Junglist: happy birthday Dan's fine
tha Junglist: noo
VS 31487: omg u know guys
tha Junglist: he's happily married
VS 31487: lol to who
tha Junglist: Kelisha Smith
tha Junglist: she lives in Dorchester Mass.
VS 31487: lol okie sure
Jim0000000002: i thought it was felisha?
tha Junglist: no, Kelisha
VS 31487: okie i gota go get some stuff done ttoodles