Nov 18, 2010 23:57
Another day at the gym. Hit the elliptical for an hour, then followed up by swimming for the first time in probably 15 years. I had forgotten how tiring swimming is, what with the whole having to keep your head above water. Felt a little sore immediately after, but feel pretty loose tonight.
Stopped in a PIG for some bbq after, and had some amazing chicken wings. Also picked up a couple turtleneck shirts from Mark's Workwearhouse, since I'm thinking about being warm for some of this winter.
Really finding the iPad helping with my RPG thinking. Having the books at hand means I can read them wherever, without having to lug them about. I'm hoping this improves my play. I'm also curious about how it'll work as a notepad for Field of Glory.
They're threatening snow tonight or tomorrow... Whee!