stress sucks...

Jan 04, 2005 22:48

Hey youins... sorry I haven’t updated in a while, but there wasn’t much to talk about honestly. Christmas was great and so was New Year’s. Stella was gone to Florida for a couple days, but I still got to talk to her every night so it was ok... Also I’ve been dreamin about her lately a lot too. In one of my dreams I was being tempted to make out with a bunch of hot girls, but I told them and kept telling them that I had someone back home and I was taken so that means that I’m so faithful I can’t even cheat on her in my dreams. Not that I’d want too lol.

N-e ways... today we had a pep band game and after the game right at the end, Stella called. Well I took 1 or 2 things back to the band room, then I went behind the gym to talk to her because she was kinda upset and I’d waited all day to talk to her and that’s the only time I get, too... well I was talkin to her and I didn’t realize the time had gone by so fast and Carl and Kenny walk by. They are like, “where the hell have u been!?!? U were talkin, and me and Kenny had to take everything (the drum set and some other stuff) back to the band room.” I was like, “well I thought Brent and Justin got it all.” Apparently they had left and all... I didn’t know that...

U no, I’m sorry I got priorities, Stella being one of the top. Well... I went and apologized to Mr. Egan and he said it was fine. He wasn’t mad or anything. He said don’t worry about it. I’m like ok fine... Well I’m tired and it’s late and I wanna go to bed, so I’ll ttyl...

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