Dec 30, 2008 09:54
Hokay vnuki, so last time I vas over in Melior hyu keeds said dat yor papa had neffer told hyu about Mechanicsburg, de home of yor Died Oggie. Vell I deedn't haff time before he ran me out of town so I vill tell hyu de story now, vhile dis sheep hy am on iz still over Ivona.
Dey say dat a long time beck, ven peeples vas forst comink to Reial from down belows, dere vas a powerful spark (dats de real vord to hyuse for de mad scientist types) named Faustus Heterodyne. He knew dat de time of de vorld below vas over und so he gathered all of de pipples in his city in his castle and he brough it to life! Der Kestle Heterodyne awoke and den FLEW up into de sky!
Faustus vas de mightiest spark of all beck in de times vhen peoples vas comink to Reial, but he knew dat he didn't have dat many troops in der kestle vit him. so instead of ladnink on de East vere Ivona started, he landed over her near Vohemar. Dats vhy Mechanicsburg and der kestle are in such a good spot in de mountains far avay from efferyvun else! Pretty smart huh?
De pipple dat Faustus Heterodyne brought vit him began building houses and shops around Der Kestle and de minions of de Master built the first set of valls and city defenses. Over time de peoples built more houses and de Masters built more defenses until dey got de nice leetle mountain town of Mechanicsburg vit all de shops and bars dat hyu could vant! Dey also has rilly big valls and all sorts of guns and odder tings to protect demselves vit!
Some say dat der kestle has such deep dungeons and crypts and catacombs and basements and tings dat eef hyu found de bottom one you could fall out de bottom of Reial! Eet sounds silly, but dats vat dey say. Hy know I'VE neffer been down dat deep in der kestle. Hy only vent down to de ooze cellar vit Jenka vonce and dere ver stairs dat vent even further den dat. Deres odder peopl who says dat de basements and dungeons weren't built later by de other Masters, dey say dat dey vas dere all along because vhen Faustus flew de r Kestle to Reial he didn't LAND on Reial, he HIT it and der kestle smashed all de vay through! Dats even crazier but de Masters is pretty crazy sometimes and dey vas all rilly powerful sparks.
De Heterodyne family is still in charge of de city too! Us Jägermonsters made shore of dat. My pack vas even de vuns dot found de new Mistress and got her back to der kestle! Dats somthing to be proud of hyu know! Der has been a lot of odder Masters over de years, I'll tell you de ones Hy can remember later. Now eet looks like de ship is goink over de edge so I gots to get up on deck.
Hyu keeds stay good now!
~Died Oggie