Jan 29, 2006 17:17
GUESS WHOOS BACK…….what’s up ladies and gents, OGDEN IS BACK, and I’m better then ever…. I am in such good spirits, I guess I can tell u all a lil bit of my 45 day stay at the county jail…. It was the worst experience I have ever had in my life…. I lost a lot well I was in there, I lost a lot, I wish it didn’t have to be that way, but at least now I know, and it trully was for the better, it showed me what I needed to see…. I have learned a lot about myself, a lot about what I have to do in my life, I am more focused then I ever have been in my life…. I’m close with the lord again… he is the only reason I made it threw that hell…. a lot of bad things happened to me in there… no I didn’t get raped…. But I did get jumped a couple of times…. But o well… I’m done SMOKEING WEEED……. YES U READ THAT RIGHT…. I lost to much because of it…. If u go threw something’s that I just did, loose ur best friend, ur grandma, and a couple of other things I am not ready to talk about, yes u would quit that shit too…. I going to go back to school… and do a lot better at it….. Everything is so good in my life now…. I missed my friends so much… I will never go back there again…. It will really show u whats important in life…. But with all that bad shit that has happened to me in my life over the last 2 months, I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER….. I have never felt so good about what is in store for me…. I have been hanging out with everyone and having a blast…. Whoa ….. And its about to get a lot better…. Hahah….. O well, u have to do what u have to do, it is what it is…. So mother fuckin what….. Wow I am so happy to be back…. No more probation, no more isp, nottin……. 2005 was a completely wasted year…. I am just going to move past because it’s 2006.…. A whole new year for me to shine…. I learned what not to do in 2005.… I now see whats important in life, I see how to get what I want… and I know what I want in my life for once…..I hope u guys see that I am such a better person from this… so don’t feel bad, I needed the kick in my butt…….I love u guys…. I missed u guys so much…… Im ready to do what I have to do and have fun doing it….. U guys will see how much more happy I am these days…. I am working on my self now…. I am not worried about anything that isn’t worried about me….. Before this happened stupid shit was important to me….shit that didn’t matta…. that’s why I wasn’t doing what I needed to do…. I was all hooked up on things that trully didn’t give to shits about me….now I see…. Now I know…and that’s ok….I am perfectly fine with that… iam ready to do what I need to do….I am ready to have fun….. Im ready to forget about what a waste 2005 was to my life…. But not forget what I learned from it….
On a different note, since I have been out I have gone out to the bars in l-town with the girls, been partying up there, and have been getting fucking trashed, u guys just don’t take it easy on this reborn partier, but its all coming back to me, recently I did something that will make it a lot easier, I am working on my tolerence, but I am working on it because here after im ready, and after BRANDONS BIRTHDAY, WHICH IS ON THE 2ND SO THURSDAY BITCHES……WERE GOING TO FUCK THAT KID UP…. But after a lil bit here we need to go out and celebrate my bday….. U guys all owe me some drinks…. Haha so be ready for that…. And NIGGA B’S BIRTHDAY…..that’s going to be a time let me tell u…. umm what else is coming up….O WOW…. A LOT….. I am ready…. Im looking for a job… so if u guys know of ne let me know…. Ummm wow iam so HAPPY TO BE FREEEEEE….. IM FREE FROM ISP, PROBATION, IM SINGLE, IT’S A WHOLE NEW YEAR, AND IM READY TO HAVE SOME FUN……I THINK U HAVE TO LOOSE EVERYTHING TO GAIN EVERYTHING….. IF THAT MAKES NE SINCE…. IT WAS HARD AT FIRST, BUT I AM SUCH A STONGER PERSON NOW….. A FEW THANK YOUS……. CAYTIE FOR THE KICK IN THE BUTT, U HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH U MEAN TO ME….. UMM THE LORD FOR GETTING ME THREW HELL… ALL MY FRIENDS WHO I CAN BE WITH AGAIN….. MY FAMILY FOR NOT GIVING UP ON ME… AND TO NE ONE WHO HAS A PROBLE WITH HOW GOOD IM DOING NOW….. GOD LOVES U…. GOD LOVES U ALL…. I LOVE U ALL…. WELL LADDIES AND GENTS IM OUTTIE I HAVE SOME THING TO GO TAKE CARE OF…. HAHAH…… PEACE AND LOVE…..