So we finished the play today. My parts werent that bad. I messed up once and then I skipped a line. There were general mess ups but they weren't so bad that the audience really noticed. People told me it was good. So yeah. Funny thing that now it's over i'm reciting it in my head a little bit.
I went to an orientation for e school with my dad today. I'm totally stoked I can do this so I can go to Maui. I get to Maui at 6:30 pm on the 29th and I get back in Arizona on the 26th at 5:15 am. The tickets were only around $650 on ATA. Really cheap now. Used to be $800
I'm really happy lately. Of course.
What movies come out in June? Me and Max were planning to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 together but that's in July and i'm gonna be there in June now.
I had L&L today. Chicken Katsu. It was weird. Not as good as Hana Hou's stuff at all. (it's local hawaiian food by the way. :p)
I keep on forgetting to bring my B&N or Borders gift cards with me when I go places. I need to get some books for my flight. I still have about 100 pages of this book i've been reading for a long time.
I've already been having finals. I hate that they have finals here.
Took some pictures. Enjoy.
First rainbow i've seen here.
Haha, there's raindrops.. you can see the smudge things. Near the bottom.
It went right over our house. It was closer than this. The people waved. I felt like an idiot taking pictures of it but I love hot air balloons!
I really really like this picture. I'm so pro :p
Yeah yeah. I felt like taking some pictures of myself with windy hair.
YAAY! My face is getting sooo much clearer! (I always wear makeup so you cant tell that much though).
I had to crop this one because you could see my little sisters' butt.