Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 24, 2011 10:20

It's been a VERY crazy few months and I've completely lost track of time - I've also had absolutely NO down time. But I couldn't let the 5 year anniversary go uncommented. Therefore, I have TWO request posts for you.

Request Round 1:
Usual deal, first 5 people to comment get their request. Icons, wallpapers, or banners, request anything you want! 
[NO Mood Themes / MUST be a watcher of the community]

Request Round 2:

Members and Watchers of ogeecons  - comment with one of the following. If someone has already commented with your idea, simply respond to their comment with a "seconded" or "this!".

- A DECADE or period of time (1950s, Regency, Victorian, etc.)
- A FANDOM (no specific characters or actors)
- A STYLE or THEME (hush, b&w, magic, family, you get the idea...)

**Please try to avoid requesting really generic stuff like "text only" - that's something I already know people like. :) Feel free to say "Book quotes" and specify "poetry" or "funny phrases", that kind of thing... **

My hope is that this way more people will get to see things they like. I also hope to get more than just the normal 20 or so of you to respond!!! The more ideas get votes the more likely you are to see it! There are almost 700 of you guys - let's hear what you have to say!!


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