Sam/Foyle Picspam Part 1

Jan 08, 2011 17:46

crazy_pill and I have been working on this project since I posted my Sam/Foyle fanmix. This is our little homage to the wonderfulness that is Samantha Stewart and Christopher Foyle. This is my very first picspam - let me know what you think!

Season 1
Sam: Mr. Foyle needs me... And I do more than drive him... You don't understand.

101. The German Woman
Sam: Chief Superintendent Foyle?
Foyle: Yes.
Sam: I've been assigned to you as your new driver.
Foyle: Ah... er... S-Stewart?
Sam: Samantha Stewart, sir. You can call me Sam

102. The White Feather
Sam and Foyle take tea together.

103. A Lesson in Murder
Foyle: Sam?
Sam: Good evening, sir.
Foyle: Well you're looking...
Sam: You said you didn't need me this evening so... I changed in the lavatory.
Foyle: Right.
Sam: I'm going to dance.
Foyle: Oh, yes. With...
Sam: Tony.
Foyle: Hm...
Sam: To be honest, he's not really my type but I thought in the circumstances I didn't want to let him down.
Foyle: Well, you won't do that. Have a good time.

104. Eagle Day
Sam: Mr. Foyle needs me... And I do more than drive him... You don't understand.

Season 2
 Sam: Sorry I didn't report for duty this morning, sir.
Foyle: Couldn't matter less.

201. Fifty Ships
Sam: Sorry I didn't report for duty this morning, sir.
Foyle: Couldn't matter less.

202. Among the Few
Foyle: We're seriously short of men.
Sam: Yes, I know what you mean. [Foyle's "did-I-hear-that-right" face is classic]

Foyle: Are you all right?
Sam: I think so, sir. Look, I'm really sorry.
Foyle: Not as sorry as I'd have been if you'd been killed... The sergeant is a terrible driver.

203. War Games
It's the body language that we love in this episode.

204. The Funk Hole 
Sam: Everything all right, sir?
Foyle: Yes, thanks... No, not really. I'm just wondering if... you doing anything this evening?
Sam: Are you asking me out, sir?
Foyle: Steady on, Miss Stewart. Certainly not.

Foyle comes to rescue Sam at the MTC.

Season 3

Foyle: Well, the Foyle's have always been hard to resist.
Sam: Absolutely, sir.

301. The French Drop
Sam: Everything all right, sir?
Foyle: I think so.
Sam: You're not really planning to leave, are you?
Foyle: Where did you get that from?
Sam: You can't leave the Force, sir. I mean, what would I do without you?
Foyle: You'll easily find another job.
Sam: I wouldn't be the same. You could take me with you... make me an honorary Wren.

302. Enemy Fire
Foyle admires the view when Sam is dressed to go out.
Foyle: Well, the Foyles have always been hard to resist.
Sam: Absolutely, sir.

303. They Fought in the Fields
Joan: Why don't the old man drive himself?
Sam: He's not an old man.
It's nice to know that Sam doesn't consider Foyle 'an old man'.

304. A War of Nerves
The death glare Foyle sends Assistant Commissioner Rose when he suggests that Sam being his driver is "ridiculous".

&picspams, tv: foyle's war

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