Quick Life Update

May 17, 2006 19:14

Just thought I should update again, so nobody gets too worried that I got abducted by brain-eating Reptoids or anything.

Got back to work as of last Monday, at the Comcast Ann Arbor High Speed Internet tech support center. It's a pay cut from the Business Analyst position at NLM, but it's a steady job and the benefits are great. Also, I'm a deviant that actually enjoys tech support.

It's a little annoying waiting for the health insurance to kick in, but I am able to economize down to one just prescription drug that I really need to keep taking. Once the benefits kick in after 90 days, though, I am so getting new glasses. With the vision coverage, I'll only end up paying $20 out-of-pocket total as long as I can find frames in the "approved collection" I can live with.

One of the other fringe benefits of working for Comcast is free cable television and internet, and steeply discounted phone service. It's going to be really weird to have cable TV in my name for the first time in my life. We'll see if Rowan follows through on his plan to seek out and watch 6 hours of Law and Order per day.
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