So here's the thing...

Jun 04, 2006 14:32

I thought Boondock Saints was a bad movie at first. As I pondered the topic, however, it began to grow on me, but only as a discussion of the right/wrong of vigilantism. I've come to the conclusion that I think it's wrong. Putting aside the "divine" aspect of it (as far as I'm concerned, where do you draw the line between a religious experience and insanity?)

First, you're not eliminating evil, just the people who perpetrate it. And as we all know, if you kill an evil person you're just leaving a space to be filled. Sadaam Hussein is out of the way, but now we have Al-Zarqawi.

Second, where does it end? How do you decide who's evil and what if others are inspired to go around killing the people they deem evil? Even if the brothers were summoned to their task by God, there are plenty of psychos out there who would love an excuse to go on a rampage.

Third, it's just inefficient. How do you cure society of evil by stamping on one roach at a time? For the sake of argument let's say that violence is the only way to end violence; you'd need to bomb the nest, wipe them out all at once, rather than a little at a time.

But I don't think violence is a long term solution to ending violence. And, really, I'm not naive enough to think that society will ever be violence-free. Some people are just born assholes and nutcases. But a lot of people, I think, are raised into violence and criminal behavior. We just don't catch these people early enough in their childhoods to turn things around, but if we could I think THAT would be a much better solution than vigilantism.
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