www.nytimes.com/2010/09/23/us/politics/23repubs.html Crazy... Extend the tax cuts indefinitely. Really? Maybe temporarily for small businesses. But extending them for the very,very rich seems ludicrous when they are doing very well and the rest of the country is falling apart around them, unable to get the job training and services needed. Are
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It is a grand delusion that seems to have Americans ensnared, and it has the bonus of forcing people to work hideous hours and jobs for low pay 'by choice' rather than by force.
We are a nation that tells itself, "if you just work hard enough, you can achieve anything you want". The problem is this just isn't true, and we convince ourselves to sacrifice so much for this delusion.
We think that if we let the rich come down a little, then that will somehow take away our path to wealth that somehow we are all convinced were on... and just inches from the finish line.
And your first observation, however hideous it may be, does seem to be true. Every step society takes seems to place itself on shakier and shakier foundations. As long as everyone progresses in tandem, we'll be okay, but it doesn't seem to take much to topple our achievements.
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