Here's What I Did Today

Mar 14, 2010 23:50

  • 01:56 I don't know if it was the exhaustion, or the white noise/rainsounds loop I put on, but I had 9 1/2 hours of glorious sleep. Now, starving. #
  • 10:46 Today, I am a cheap bitch with a grenade launch, thumper and danger close. TRIPLE KILL! #MW2 #theystartedit #
  • 11:04 To Prestige 3, or not to Prestige 3, that is the question... #MW2 #
  • 12:10 @ Technomicon Oh yeah, you're right. Or maybe I was planning WAY ahead? #
  • 12:15 Basketball would be MUCH more interesting if OT was sudden death. Or maybe settled with a game of HORSE. #
  • 12:16 Then again, I could make a list of 100 things that would make basketball more interesting. Cannot give a fuck until Sweet 16 earliest. #
  • 13:42 Wow, the Heavy Rain demo is ass. The animation is horrid, jerky like a Tool video. NOT the way to make me want to buy your game. #
  • 13:51 @ Technomicon It's two words. Machine gun, that is. So "Machine Gun Therapy" is three words, and a good band name. #
  • 15:22 Heading to see Alice in Wonderland.... IIIINNNNNNN THHHRRRREEEEEEE DEEEEEEEE!!!! #shitzoomingatyerface #
  • 20:17 @ BitterOldJoe Chicagoans. #
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