- 10:55 Hello World. Happy March. #
- 11:00 I meant to say "Happy Monday," but I suppose wishing you an entire month of happy is allowable. #
- 14:22 So, wait, I'm reading that the PS3 bug is because the older consoles think 2010 is a leap year? Can I get a job programming, Sony? #
- 16:21 I'm mulling things over in my head. A LOT of things, actually... #
- 16:29 None of those things involve me quitting my job. At least not short term. #
- 17:56 @ BitterOldJoe Did you see the part about me NOT QUITTING MY JOB? #
- 18:13 @ BitterOldJoe Favorite 3 words: EPIC FUCKING FAIL! "At least not short term." Which implies long term. I NEVER follow through on long term. #
- 18:16 @ BitterOldJoe Considering the only reason I even posted the job thing was so nobody would think that was what I was talking about. #
- 19:23 MW#2 Afghan, AUG HBAR, FMJ, Holographic, Bling, Stopping Power, Ninja (all Pro). 30-4. Including 2 Harrier killstreaks. #rapetrainrapetrain #
- 19:26 Seriously, that gun is a giant black fuckstick. Or pretty urban camo fuckstick. #MW2 #
- 19:33 NEW CHUCK IS RECORDING! *NEW CHUCK* #suckmydickbitches #chuck #spyhowsgreaterthananythingelseonfuckingtelevision #hashtagabuse #anothertag #
- 19:51 Monster Heel idea: Keelfukk von Kuntzhammer. Only thing he likes more than fucking is fighting! Maybe puppies, cuz cute aminals = better RPs #
- 22:40 @ Vargatude Regal was LETTING him. That scares ME. #
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LoudTwitter, because my minutiae matters!