Woah, I've been dead for a scary long while, haven't I?
Alright, well I guess I'll babble about the FanExpo. Since that was an interesting/exciting/horrbily money sucking experience.
So I headed down to Oakville on the 30th. Took the Greyhound there, which I've decided is pretty much the best expensive transportation EVER. You buy a ticket for where you want to go, pay, and then you have THREE MONTHS to use it whenever the hell you want? Not only that but the ride down felt really short (I fell asleep really easily) and the ride back with Greg WAS really short because the driver took an awesome detour and we got there more then a half-hour early.
Anyway, Boris and Matais' have a sweet-ass studio and an apartment lless then 5 minutes from the Sheridan campus, which I finally got to have a look at, and it's pretty awesome. (Didn't get to see the studios though, and that's the best part, right?)
As for the con itself, being in the Artist' Alley was a bit of a let down in some ways, and really awesome in others.
-Not being an internet/general celebrity meant not very many people wanted to spend money on prints.
-For me, I was in the wrong place for manga fanart, so not a lot of the CNAnime traffic was coming my way.
-Also, I was all about the One Piece fanart, and I found myself blinded by all the Naruto and Bleach cosplay. (I got a lot of great and varied reactions to the lone Sai print I had thoguh)
-Being stuck at the table meant we wandered around one or two at a time, and also that we couldn't leave for to long.
-We were fuckin' VIPS.
We got to cut all the lines and got in earlier then anyone else. It was a sweet sweet feeling walking up to all the line ups and then walking right past them.
-And of course the unlimited pass. We got to see anything we wanted. >: ]
-It was an interesting experience.
-I set up an art trade with ~saucywench on deviantart and bought a print from her. I'm still super excited, and super not finished. D :
Other then that, the actual Con consisted mostly of me sitting at a table, talking to Boris, Matais, Greg and various people that came up to the table, and jumping excitedly everytime I saw a One Piece cosplay and running over to take a picture.
Yeah, so we were all really freaking tired all weekend. Greg slept on the couch and me on the (GIANT) air mattress. I finally got to see Treasure Planet again, which doesn't get nearly enough credit considering how fucking awesome it is. And we spent a lot of time with Graham, who I was kind of scared of at first, but it turns out he's a really cool guy. O.o
So yeah. All in all, a fun weekend, but I spent waaaaay too much money.
I did manage to get a few volumes of One Piece (Japanese tankouban you fools. I'll never buy that Viz "Zolo" crap.) Naruto (I now have 6 in total, all Japanese). And volume 1 of Bleach (JP). I'm still not sure why I bought it, but now I have it.
And lots of artbooks, Salty Dog III, Samurai Deeper Kyo (You) -which was sadly missing a few illustrations I really liked-, Uzumaki, Kuro no Ga (The Peacemaker one which I can't recommend enough, even if you've never read Peacemaker Kurogane), and a (sadly) Viz-translated version of Color Walk I, which hopefully I'll be able to trade off for the Japanese edition at some point. I vomit on the inside everytiem I see "Zolo"
And the real prize-----Copics markers. The dude was selling them for 5 bucks (no tax) a marker, and after about 5 minutes of me standing there with a giant pile in my hand, told me that for every five I bought, I got one free. :3
Now I just need to get cracking on my Hiruma costume for Anime North.
Anyone know a good place to look for pointy ears and fangs?