First off, I ♥ Alex/Addison. I knew it was just going to be a near-kiss situation. Shonda's cautious enough not to ruin the potential of this couple by having them jump into the sack. Good, good. Bring on the awkward moments!
But my GA high will never hide my excitement for next week when I finally get my
Goong DVDs (fan-subbed) from my favorite supplier since Winter Sonata days. Yes, I pay for the shipping but I'd rather order my series from her than rely on DVD9s which give me nothing but nosebleeds. I'm even including a copy of
My Little Bride in my shipment since it's been a while that I've seen that film. Sang-Min ♥ Bo-Eun.
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My daily routine has me thinking 24 hours isn't enough for me to live a single day. Either that or I need a crash course in time management.