Critique Post and Permissions

Mar 10, 2020 20:02


HMD post for Galatea. If something seems off about her just make a comment here and I'll do my best to improve on it. This can also be used as a plot post.

For now all comments are screened and anonymous commenting will be on.


And here have some permissions.


» Threadhopping: Go for it~! 8Db Unless it's private and if the other person is okay with it.

» Backtagging: Totally fine with me! But I must warn you that my tags may be spotty depending on what's happening elsewhere and depending on my brain. Though they may be fast too, depends.

» Fourthwalling: She'll think you're is crazy or high or something, but got for it.

» Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm not easily offended but if it looks like it's gong that way I'll say something.


» Hugging this character: You can if you wish! Though don't expect much of a hug back unless you're close to her otherwise she'll back away or just tense up a lot, or if you're a child you'll get a head pat 8D. And if she hates you with all her passion you'll more than likely get a huge sword to your face.

» Giving this character a kiss: Lmfao...see above.

» Flirting with this character: You can! Depending on her mood and if she likes you well enough she may or may not troll right back. If not she'll just brush it off or glare at you.

» Punching/Fighting this character: Sure! SHE can fight back and most normal punches won't even affect her. Though she'll choose not to fight back most of the time, because waste of her time ;; if they really want a fight she'll give them one.

» Injuring this character (include limits and severity): She can heal herself and reattach limbs at a fast rate, and regrow limbs (at a much slower rate). So I'm fine with injuries and loosing limbs, though contact me about the limbs so things can be worked out. Anything more severely damaging and permanent, just contact me first.

» Killing this character: If there's plot and for a good reason. Again just ask!

» Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: I don't know how resistant she is to this sort of thing but I'm going to say yes go for it, though she is a type of super soldier so she's very much mentally disciplined and a lot harder to read. Anything that goes pretty deep just contact me first for details.

» Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character: Nope anything is pretty much open for her! Some topic might make her change moods a bit but they're certainly free to be mentioned.

» Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? She has platinum blond hair and sliver eyes and is also a half human half yoma (monster/demon/etc.) warrior, she's also a tall lady that's about 6'0. She will troll you in a more or less friendly manner, it's just her way...Unless she hate you, then she'll just be a huge jerkface to you.

» Anything else, please mention here: She's watching all of you. B|
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