Aug 21, 2007 20:19
// Ver. 1
--Name: Marina
--Birthdate: 5.14.90
--Birthplace: Cincinasty
--Current Location: My house.
--Eye color: Green.
--Hair color: Brown.
--Height: 5'0".
--Righty or Lefty: Righty.
--Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
--Innie or Outtie: Innie.
// Ver. 2 - Describe
--Your Heritage: Yogu-Germanic/Wasp.
--The Shoes You Wore Today: Flip-flops.
--Your Weakness: Good food.
--Your Fears: Diseases and stuff like that.
--Your Perfect Pizza: Mushrooms, cheese, yummy everywhere
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: A bunch of money so that I can do whatever I want to.
// Ver.3
--What is your most overused phrase?: I don't know...
--Your first thoughts waking up: No...I don't wanna wake up!
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Fuckability? Does that work?
--Your best physical features: I like my butt...and my boobs.
--Your bedtime: When I decides
--Your Most Missed Memory: My childhood.
// Ver.4
--Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
--McDonald's or Burger King: McD's
--Single or Group Dates: single
--Adidas or Nike: I don't wear either one
--Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate.
--Cappucino or coffee: I don't care
--Boxers or Briefs: none, I like commando guys
// Ver.5
--Do you smoke?: do I....
--Cuss?: yeah
--Sing Well?: yeah
--Do you think you've been in love?: yeah
--Want to go to college: yeah
--Liked High School?: its bearable usaully.
--Want to get married?: yes!
--Type with fingers on the right keys: totally
--Get motion sickness: not usaully.
--Think you're attractive: I think I'm kinda hot, yeah.
--Think you're a health freak: sometimes
--Get along with parents: ocassionally
--Like Thunderstorms: I love them
// Ver.6 - in the past month, did/have you:
--Consumed Alchohol: yes
--Made Out: yes
--Gone On Date: yes.
--Gone To the Mall: yes.
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not this month. I would like to.
--Eaten Sushi: no, but I want some
--Gone Skating: no...
--Made Homemade cookies: damn it, stop talking about food! I have the munchies.
--Gone Skinny Dipping: not in the past month
--Dyed your hair: no
--Stolen Anything: yeah
// Ver.7
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah
--Been caught "doing something"?: yeah
--Been Called a "Tease": yes, but it was a joke I think
--Shoplifted?: Yeah!
// Ver.8
--Age you hope to be married?: Before 25.
--Numbers and Names of Children?: 0
--Describe your dream wedding: outdoors, with a great wedding dress and flowers.
--How do you want to die?: I won't care, I'll be dead.
--Where do you want to go to college: Eventually, Lewis and Clark in Portland, OR.
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: I don't know anymore.
--Place you would most like to visit? China.